The video of the terrible fall of an acrobat 10 meters high


The spectators of the Circus Rio presentation in Glenelg, Australia, were shocked. In the middle of the show, an acrobat hanging from a neck ring He slipped and fell more than 10 meters tall. Due to the brutal accident, the event was immediately interrupted and the girl was transported to the nearby hospital.

The shocking moment was recorded by one of the spectators. "Was it true?", Asked the woman who recorded the scene without understanding what had happened in front of her.

The trapeze artist, identified as Gabby Souza, suffered "Multiple and very serious injuries". Once the paramedics arrived, they sent her back to the Royal Aadelaide Hospital, where she remained hospitalized.

Despite the severity of their fractures, the specialists confirmed that she was safe and stable. Circus Rio has issued a press release to rebadure viewers.

"We are happy to share that our airline interpreter Gabby Souza go well and on the path to healing after an unfortunate accident of the series tonight. She smiles and wants to thank everyone who sent her their wishes, "they detailed in the article posted on Facebook.

"Being an artist is their livelihood and hope that their fans and friends will continue to support their fellow cast of Circus Rio." You can be sure that the conditions were safe and that our artists love what they do, "they said in reference to the criticism they received for the lack of a safety net in the circus.

Gabby Souza, 28, remains hospitalized out of danger after the accident. Credit: Instagram Gabby Souza
Gabby Souza, 28, remains hospitalized out of danger after the accident. Credit: Instagram Gabby Souza

Alice Young, one of the witnesses in the presentation, explained that the acrobat had hit the wooden floor directly during the fall. "We all thought it was part of the law and after about 10 seconds we realized that it was not the case. People came running, then they asked us to leave"he said.


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