The video showing the drama and heroic deeds in Malvinas | Chronic


They broadcast a video showing the drama of the war that began 37 years ago. The edition includes images of the work done by the artillery groups who acted in the Malvinas.

The record, which lasts nearly 5 minutes, also contains plans for the various air raids against English ships and images of the trenches, overflights and take-offs of aircraft carriers involved in the war.

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In addition, in the video produced by the Telam News Agency, we can see the faces of soldiers marching in formation in the streets of Puerto Argentino and, in the background, the incessant noise of armed clashes and bombings.

The images highlight the role of war nurses in field hospitals and the transfer of wounded soldiers. They finally show the delivery of arms to the British during the surrender on June 14, 1982.

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