The VIIIth International Language Congress – Telam starts in Córdoba


Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, Nicaraguan writer Sergio Ramírez, Spain's Juan Luis Cebrián, Carme Riera and Alex Grijlemo, Mexico's Jorge Volpi, Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Juan Villoro, Argentina's Martin Caparrós, Claudia Piñeiro Luisa Valenzuela and Luis Pablo De Santis will be among the participants, in addition to Spanish singer Joaquín Sabina and Les Luthiers, who will reflect, among other things, on changes in language technology and changes in the social agenda. .

Since the creation of this modality promoted by the Cervantes Institute in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Spain and the 23 academies of Latin American languages, this is the first time that a country comes back to welcome guests: eight editions were spent during this period and Argentina has already hosted in 2004 with the developed edition in Rosario.

CILE is considered as a meeting point between the institutions that regulate the use of the language and its speakers, an estimated population of 570 million people, who has made it the second most used language in the world from behind the English

In the edition to be inaugurated the day after tomorrow with the speeches of the King of Spain, Felipe VI, the president of the nation, Mauricio Macri, and writers Mario Vargas Llosa and Carme Riera, among others, topics such as the future of Spanish will be addressed, impact of digital technologies, challenges of cultural industries, translation, linguistic crossbreeding and language teaching.


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