The violent version of "Stone, paper and scissors" | Chronic


Two football players have invented a new version of the popular game "Rock, paper or scissors" which has been mbadively praised in social networks for its originality.

Although there are already several modifications, such as "Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock" of the American series The Big Bang Theory, the one of these young people left without doubt all the users of Twitter without voice.

The game they invented consists of two players pretending to slap themselves at a distance. There is an attacker and another who receives the shots. The first of them moves the hand at once and chooses the direction in which to do it: up, down, left or right. The other participant must then decide in which direction the head moves to avoid it.

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The attacker wins as soon as his stroke coincides with the movement of his opponent, that is to say when his hand is directed in the same direction as the other person moves his head.

The registration of this "Rock, paper or scissors" It quickly became viral on Twitter and has already reached 188,600 views and 67,000 Retweets.

Then, the video that became viral:


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