The viral gesture: the Speaker of the New Zealand Parliament gave the bottle to a baby in full discussion


Once again, New Zealand has emerged as a pioneering country in combating prejudices about the roles of parents and the differences between personal and professional life. On this occasion, these advances were recorded by the gesture that the President of the Parliament had in full discussion. Trevor Mallard became viral in wanting to help a Member who had brought his baby a month to the session. Without hesitation, While the boy's father spoke, the Speaker of the House of Representatives gave him the bottle and held it in his hand.

The baby was the son of parliamentarian Tāmati Coffey, a member of the Labor Party, who, after taking paternity leave, returned to work. The politician became a father on July 10 thanks to surrogacy, a procedure she had chosen with her husband, Tim Smith.

Trevor Mallard (Photo: TV Document EFE / EPA / Parliament of New Zealand)
Trevor Mallard (Photo: TV Document EFE / EPA / Parliament of New Zealand)

The Speaker of Parliament wanted to help him and his attitude was recorded in a series of photos that went around the world. "Normally, the president of the president It is only used by the responsible officers, but today a distinguished person sat down with me. Congratulations Tāmati Coffey and Tim for the new family member, "said the leader on his Twitter account, where he shared two images with the newborn.

Users quickly recognized Mallard's attitude and took the opportunity to highlight gender equality in New Zealand. "It may be a small country, but they have a great lesson to give to the world," said one of them.

New Zealand premier Jacinda Arder brought her baby to the UN General Assembly. (Photo: AFP)
New Zealand premier Jacinda Arder brought her baby to the UN General Assembly. (Photo: AFP)

New Zealand's premier, Jacinda Ardern, had herself set a precedent when she brought her newborn baby to the UN General Assembly last year. On this occasion, her husband took care of the boy while his mother attended the sessions.


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