The viral picture of the day: the baby born with the IUD in his head


"Look at this, the damper IUD on the baby's head like it's invisible." Use contraceptives, "they told him. Cadesia Foster, a Facebook user who shared the picture taken on Twitter, laughed.

Like her, there were many more people sharing the photo, but is it possible that such a birth occurs?

diu baby's head.jpg

In Brazil, Dr. Rogério Bonbadi Machado, chairman of the Febrasgo Contraception Commission (Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations), confirmed that yes, but these are "very rare" cases.

"In the rare cases where the IUD is defective, factors such as the device was discolored or that adequate controls were lacking after placement," said the doctor, although the pregnancy can proceed normally despite the presence of the device. 39; object.

"No fetal malformation has been reported as well as lesions in newborns," he said.


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