The Virgin of Guadalupe: a reflection of the abundance, blessing and gift of God


Pope Francis, in his homily at Mass consecrated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, said that in today’s liturgy three words, three ideas are evident: abundance, blessing and giving. Looking at the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, he asserted, we also have somehow a reflection of these three realities, abundance, blessing and giving.

Patricia Ynestroza-Vatican City

The Pontiff then stopped by describing each of these ideas:

The first word highlighted in today’s liturgy is abundance because God always offers himself in abundance. He doesn’t know the dosages. It is we, he stressed, who set the limits, and God, says Francisco, allows himself to be measured by his patience.

“We are the ones who know, by our very nature, by our limits, the need for comfortable quotas. But He gives Himself in abundance, totally. And where God is, there is abundance ”. The only limit that God has, affirmed the Pope, saying that he wants to think that the Lord has a limit, is the impossibility of giving himself other than in abundance. Thinking of the mystery of Christmas, the Advent liturgy takes much of this idea of ​​abundance from the prophet Isaiah. God gives himself everything, as he is, totally ”.

The second word is blessing

As the Pope explained later, Mary’s meeting with Elizabeth is a blessing. And blessing means, he said, to bless, that is to say “to say well.” And God, from the first page of Genesis, has accustomed us to his style of speaking well.

“The second word he utters according to the Bible account is ‘and it was good.’ “It’s okay.” “It was very good”. God’s style is always to speak well, which is why the curse will be the style of the devil, of the enemy. The style of meanness, of the inability to give oneself completely, of “saying bad things”. God always says well. And he says it warmly. He says it by giving himself ”.

The third word the gift

Abundance and saying it well, it’s a gift, it’s a gift. A gift given to us in Him, who is all divinity. In “the blessed”. A gift given to us in the one who is “full of grace”, the “blessed”.

Jesus is blessed by nature and Mary is blessed by grace. These two references, says Francis, are marked by Scripture.

“She is called ‘blessed are you among the women’, ‘full of grace’. Jesus is the “blessed” one who will bring the blessing. And looking at the image of our Mother waiting for the Blessed, the full of grace awaits the Blessed, we understand the abundance of saying well, of “saying well”, he affirmed.

The gift of God

“We have this of the gift, the gift of God has been presented to us in the abundance of his Son by nature. In the abundance of his Mother by grace. The gift of God was presented to us as a blessing. In the blessed by nature and in the blessed by grace ”.

And this is the gift that God presents to us and that he always wanted to emphasize, throughout the revelation, he stressed and asked that “in contemplating the image of our Mother today, we are stealing from God a little of that style he has: Generosity, abundance, blessing. Never curse. And turn our life into a gift. A gift for everyone. So be it”.


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