The waiter who was shot in Paris "for taking a long time to prepare a sandwich"


The server died on the scene despite the efforts of paramedics to save him Source: AFP

An unusual murder surprised

This Friday, in the suburbs of the French capital, a 28-year-old waiter died after being shot by an unsatisfied customer.

According to information received at the AFP news agency, the attacker reportedly opened fire on the young man because the sandwich he had ordered was not fast enough.

The local police said that an investigation had been opened into the murder of the server who was working in the suburbs of Noisy-le-Grand, a city of about 60,000 inhabitants, in the east of Paris. .

The lack of urgency of the server to prepare the sandwich would have been the cause of the crazy crime
The lack of urgency of the server to prepare the sandwich would have been the cause of the crazy crime Source: archives

The suspect fled and was not captured.

"A quiet restaurant"

Although the ambulances tried to save the young man, he died of an injury to the shoulder.

His colleagues told the police that the attacker had lost his temper at the Mistral pizzeria / sandwich shop, because of the time it took him to prepare his meal.

The murder surprised local residents and shopkeepers.

"It's sad," said a 29-year-old woman to the French media. "It's a quiet restaurant, no problem, it just opened a few months ago."

However, some residents claim that crime has increased in the region in recent months, due to rising drug trafficking and street-level alcohol consumption.



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