The Walking Dead leaves Georgia 10 years after controversy over legal abortion


Editorial: Cinema & Series / Facebook / Twitter / Blanket

As a potential measure in response to changes in existing legislation, the major producers in the Western film and television training industry, they announce leaving the state of Georgia, commonly chosen by studios as the ideal place to take his films, after his new legal measures.

You can read: Netflix will continue to register in Georgia despite opposition to the new law on abortion

This situation occurs under the decisions of the Republican Governor Brian Kemp, who recently signed a law banning abortions after the fetus has heard a heartbeat (about 6 weeks). In any case, the opposition was manifesting itself and seeking to amend it in court, but in view of all this, the law could come into force from 2020 and the productions could then no longer work in that state. .

"If this very restrictive legislation comes into force, we will rebadess our activity in Georgia."The company AMC Networks said in a statement.

Another fact to keep in mind is that only in 2018 (given the exercise), 455 productions were made. Netflix, Stranger Things and Ozark were made there. Even some Marvel productions have taken place in Georgia, but Disney has not talked about it.


Editorial: Cinema & Series / Facebook / Twitter / Blanket


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