The war of hunger on the river Táchira – 24/02/2019


Bridges played a decisive role during the Second World War and could also play a role in the Venezuelan crisis., with the three viaducts that link this country to Colombia on the Táchira river as a scenario of a war against hunger.

A war that has on one side the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who won the first battle on Saturday preventing food, medicine and basic necessities from entering the country to relieve the hunger of 3.7 million Venezuelans, according to FAO data.

People next to the trucks on the Tienditas Bridge (Bloomberg).

People next to the trucks on the Tienditas Bridge (Bloomberg).

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

And on the other, the president of the Parliament of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president in charge of Venezuela and who made of this day the day where "yes or yes", humanitarian aid was going to enter the Caribbean country.

The date was Saturday, February 23 and the place the Tienditas bridge, also known as Unity, and which unites the Colombian town of Cúcuta to the Venezuelan locality of Ureña.

The Colombian side of the bridge has been erected as a collection center for some 600 tons of humanitarian aid from different countries, such as the United States, Puerto Rico or Chile, and the place of departure of the trucks that were to transport these supplies to Venezuela.

The Tienditas bridge is closed on the Venezuelan side (REUTERS).

The Tienditas bridge is closed on the Venezuelan side (REUTERS).

Hundreds of media around the world, famous religious and singers such as Venezuelan Nacho and young people with white flowers who wish to offer them to the Venezuelan security forces have gathered to watch the events. the bridge.

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But no one has come that way. The only place exercised unusual center of operations of the anti Maduro agreement that met in Cúcuta: Guaidó, the presidents of Colombia, Iván Duque; Chile, Sebastián Piñera; Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, and the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro.

They all followed the events of a migration building the Tienditas border crossing.

An aerial view this Saturday of the Tienditas bridge (AFP).

An aerial view this Saturday of the Tienditas bridge (AFP).

Guaidó was hosting the Venezuelan army that deserted and sought refuge in Colombia, up to 60 according to the latest official figures.

And a member of the Colombian Risk Management Unit has regularly informed the state-of-mind authorities on the other side of the border, after crossing the bridge and getting into the area. to be maintained with the guards of Venezuela.

Earlier in the morning, the five leaders gave the starting signal to the truck caravan, all with Venezuelan license plates, as well as the driver of that nationality, and each loaded with 20 tons of humanitarian aid.

Venezuelan citizens grew up in trucks on the Colombian side of the Simón Bolívar International Bridge (EFE).

Venezuelan citizens grew up in trucks on the Colombian side of the Simón Bolívar International Bridge (EFE).

After a word from Guaidó asking the Venezuelan armed forces to authorize the entry of humanitarian aid, the one who deserts will have amnesty, Eight trucks began to honk.

A sound that filled the current crowd with joy and excitement, but which finally sounded like an unsuspected war drum.

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None of the eight trucks attempted to cross Venezuela through the Tienditas Bridge, completed in 2016 and never commissioned. Four went to Simón Bolívar Bridge, who communicates Cúcuta with San Antonio (Venezuela) and the other four to the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge, which links with Ureña.

Venezuelan citizens await the reopening of the Simón Bolívar border bridge this Saturday in Cúcuta (Colombia) (EFE).

Venezuelan citizens await the reopening of the Simón Bolívar border bridge this Saturday in Cúcuta (Colombia) (EFE).

The Bolivarian National Guard and the Venezuelan police blocked the pbadage of these vehicles, which were accompanied by a crowd of people attempting to cross across the border.

Of the four trucks that went to Ureña, three managed to enter Venezuela, including two were burned and a third was removed to preserve it from possible incineration. The fourth returned to Colombia.

Three of the four trucks that went to the San Antonio border returned to Colombia and the return of the fourth was scheduled for the official game.

Members of the press cover protesters as they face members of the Bolivarian National Police, as well as a truck carrying humanitarian aid that was set on fire on the Francisco Bridge on Saturday. Paula Santander, on the border between Cúcuta (Colombia). and Venezuela (EFE).

Members of the press cover protesters as they face members of the Bolivarian National Police, as well as a truck carrying humanitarian aid that was set on fire on the Francisco Bridge on Saturday. Paula Santander, on the border between Cúcuta (Colombia). and Venezuela (EFE).

All this, after violent clashes with the Venezuelan public forces They caused nearly 300 wounded.

Up to six trucks had not left Tienditas, maybe launch this bridge in case the day of the entrance of the humanitarian aid would have been successful.

It was not like that and after the return of the trucks that were gone, Colombia announced the closure of all border crossings from this region with Venezuela to badess the damage.

One of the trucks loaded with humanitarian aid that were set on fire this Saturday on the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge (EFE).

One of the trucks loaded with humanitarian aid that were set on fire this Saturday on the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge (EFE).

"The struggle continues," said Piñera at the end of the day, while Guaidó announced that he will formally raise with the international community that all options should be opened to achieve the liberation of Venezuela.

The meeting of the Lima group in Bogotá, in which Guaidó will participate, will give clues to the future front of this war.

EFE Agency.


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