The Washington Post, on the future of Argentina: "Here again are the Peronists"


Three days after the presidential elections, the American newspaper The Washington Post He analyzed in a detailed note the panorama of this Sunday and the economic situation in which the country is located. "The Argentine economy is collapsing. Here are the Peronists, again"is the title of the article in which they predict a triumph of the formula of the Front of All (Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner).

"The peso is down, and apparently the sky too, inflation and poverty rates are rising, and national reserves are shrinking rapidly. already seen past crises, is rushing back into the economic abyss"So begins the text with data and popular references, which was written by Anthony Faiola, media correspondent in Latin America.

"The Peronists, heirs of the complex populist political apparatus launched in the 1940s by Juan and Eva Perón, are ready for a massive return," the journalist said.

The Washington Post newspaper article predicts a triumph of the kirchnerist formula. (Photo courtesy of the Washington Post)
The Washington Post newspaper article predicts a triumph of the kirchnerist formula. (Photo courtesy of the Washington Post)

According to the letter, the most favored this Sunday is former President Cristina Kirchner, who has "is stained by corruption". "The former president returns to the political scene as a vice presidential candidate, a Peronist who led Argentina from 2007 to 2015 and today sits with former presidential candidate Alberto Fernández. palace advisor and now his less well-known formula partner"he added.

For Faiola, Argentina is in a "Season of the Peronist Renaissance", which is based on a coalition "composed of a disillusioned middle class, left-wing youth and an increasingly angry poor". "The battle lines drawn here are about populism, inequality and corruption, the same toxic mixture which is now generating trouble in South America, "he said, referring to the social unrest generated in Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia.

Regarding the management of the president Mauricio MacriThe journalist compared the president with his partner in Ecuador, Lenín Moreno. "Like Moreno, Macri stole the precious subsidies from people and asked for help from the International Monetary Fund," he said.

The US newspaper compared Macri to Lenín Moreno for reducing subsidies and seeking help from the IMF. (Photo: EFE)
The US newspaper compared Macri to Lenín Moreno for reducing subsidies and seeking help from the IMF. (Photo: EFE)

"But the fruits of Macri's task are a failing economy that is now more dying than the one he inherited. The cost can be your job. If Macri loses on Sunday, he would also prove a theory that only the raw Peronist apparatus supported by the union can really govern rebel Argentina, "he said.


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