The waves: sentimental education


The waves

Our opinion: very well

Uruguay, Argentina, 2018) / Scenario and direction: Adrián Biniez.
Photography: Nicolás Soto Díaz and Germán De León.
Edition: Pablo Riera and Alejo Moguillansky.
Cast: Alfonso Tort, Juliet Zylberberg, Fabiana Charlo, Carlos Lissardy, Luis Pazos.
Duration: 88 minutes.
Qualification: Suitable for more than 13 years.

Argentine settles a few years ago in Montevideo, Adrián Biniez changes course with his third feature film. Already his two previous films –
Giant and
On 5 workshops – revealed the talent and personality, but with
The waves Biniez takes another dimension, moving away from naturalism and proposing an atypical story, playful, evocative and random.

Divided into episodes whose titles quote those from the saga of the novels of the Robin Hood Collection (Jules Verne Clbadics Juvenile Literature, Emilio Salgari or Robert Louis Stevenson), the story is starring Alfonso, played by Alfonso Tort, a symbol of Uruguayan cinema who shined in the last decade with films like
25 watts and
Whiskey born from the guts of Control Z, the same producer of
Giant .

With an exotic mood and an intense charge of melancholy,
The Waves meander sinuously the sentimental education of a gray but equally adorable character, from his childhood to adulthood, in the manner of a hallucinated journey into the time without logic or links. As if François Truffaut had decided to bring together in one film all the stages of the life of Antoine Doinel, one of the most fabulous antiheroes in the history of cinema.

The sensitivity and good taste of photographic work and the precision of the film. editing enrich the poetics of this lyrical and charming film

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