The widow of the ex-secretary accused Burlando of extortion


Fernando Burlando Source: archive

Pochetti involved the lawyer in the transfer of illegal funds abroad


widow of the former private secretary of Kirchner

Daniel Muñoz,

accused the criminal lawyer

Fernando Burlando

to intervene in the alleged payment of more than 3 million US dollars requested by one of the women who participated in laundering tens of millions of dollars in exchange for his silence.

According to the confession of the widow

Carolina Pochetti,

Burlando coordinated efforts to have Elizabeth Ortiz Municoy, the so-called leader, receive multiple transfers abroad from 2016, still below $ 200,000, so that the anti-money laundering alarms do not ring. . Regarded as "repentant" like Pochetti, Ortiz Municoy made no mention of the $ 3 million to prosecutors investigating bribery books,

Carlos Stornelli


Carlos Rívolo.

He admitted, however, that he had received money from the widow of Muñoz, with whom he had paid $ 50,000 to Burlando, who was later reported to have been dismissed after suspecting that instead of defending her, he was working for someone else.

Consulted by
THE NATIONBurlando denied the words of both. "By the time I defended Ortiz Municoy, who became the first woman repentant in the case of notebooks and charged against Pochetti, it may be because of this, Pochetti has a mood contrary to me, "he said. d & # 39; money. "I do not know what they're talking about and I'm unaware of all that," he replied. "This money has pbaded into my hands, zero. [Pero] are the typical problems that arise with the repentant, "he said.

According to Pochetti, before prosecutors, the alleged extortion began to take shape after the release of the Panama Papers, in April 2016, when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which integrates
THE NATION He revealed that Muñoz and his environment were related to offshore companies that had invested tens of millions of dollars in real estate in the United States.

"After a while" and now, Muñoz has died, said his widow, Municoy began to send him "messages indicating the price to pay, if he did not have a lot of documents stating that". he would have problems ". "He told me that he was going to report me in a media, I do not know if
Infobae"said Pochetti, who recalled that he had also had counterpoints with his own lawyer, Miguel Ángel Plo, who is currently detained and prosecuted for money launderer.

"When Ortiz Municoy starts harbading me and I can not solve it, I'm scared and I ask Miguel Plo that I want to pay him because he's threatened to denounce me." Plo was angry at me because he said that if she paid for it, she would continue to extort it, "Pochetti told prosecutors," I wanted to stop being harbaded, I wanted to get paid so that things were not made public, I quarreled with Plo for that and I ended up accessing my request because I had not left my duties. "It was then, said the widow of Muñoz, that Plo has come into contact with Dr. Burlando, who is the one who conveys the stories of Ortiz Municoy. […] After that, more than three million dollars were transferred to these accounts, which were several and they told me that it had to be fast and that it was late 2016, "said Pochetti, while the Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio had reconstructed a resolution of 396 pages in which he organized the prosecutions and embargoes of the Muñoz clan.

Before the prosecutors, Pochetti then clarified that she had never seen Burlando and that he could be wrong in the dates, which he remembered by heart, but that the accounts from which the The money had been transformed were managed by his cousin Carlos Gellert, to whom she had asked him to complete the transfers. "I do not know if [Ortiz] Municoy charged all the money, but that did not bother me anymore and Plo did not say anything more, "he recalls.

Also transformed into "accused collaborator", Gellert confirmed that he was responsible for several transfers. "I had used to make them as an indication via whatsapp" and to the ordered accounts. "These were transfers of the order of $ 190,000 or $ 200.00, but many transfers," he said.

According to the widow of Muñoz, the extortion was paid in two countries: "In Hong Kong and some United States, I think in Los Angeles, I do not remember the list because it's". it was given to me by the doctor Plo and they explained to me that they should not exceed certain amounts, that is why they cost between 150,000 and 200,000 dollars, c & o Was in the space of a few weeks, "he said.

However, this would not have been the only connection between Burlando and Muñoz's widow. According to suspects, investigators of another criminal case in La Plata-centric band that incorporated the former César Melazo, Burlando would be the Burlete or Fernando evoked by two accused and that would have transmitted them information to plan the kidnapping of a girl from Muñoz. , according to the newspaper
Profile in September 2018.

Accessed at the time by
ProfileBurlando denied knowing Muñoz or his wife or providing abduction data to a member of the group he was sponsoring at the time. "If they name me [los integrantes de la banda] It can be hierarchical, or they can talk to another person. It's me, it's an interpretation that makes the police, "he replied.

Before prosecutors Stornelli and Rívolo, Ortiz Municoy gave another version. She stated that she was "terrified" after the Panama Papers broadcast, that she had asked her lawyer, Ana Rosenfeld, to recommend a criminal to her, whom she had contacted with Burlando, to whom she had told him "everything" and that she had not had anything since. direct contact with all the environment of Muñoz. Almost three years later, Ortiz Municoy dispensed Burlando's services. According to her, he told her that "it was not convenient to report the facts in which the lawyer Miguel Ángel Plo and his family were involved".

"I mean that Burlando's proposed strategy has generated discomfort because I could not tell the whole story of what had happened, without being able to name Plo and his family." said Ortiz Municoy. And he concluded that for this and against Burlando's opinion, he had decided to tell the story to prosecutors. Ortiz Municoy then decided to go one step further: "Burlando wanted to prevent me from declaring that day at the prosecutor's office and seemed to fundamentally pay more attention to Plo's interests than mine," he said. That's why I decided to dismiss him. "

For Burlando, however, what was leaked by Pochetti and Ortiz Municoy is "contradictory", and he denied that Ortiz Municoy had fired him, but that he had resigned. "It was because of things I did not like at another professional who was with her and that's why I left."


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