The wife and daughter of the Venezuelan opposition leader, Leopoldo López, have fled Venezuela and are in Spain.


Lilian Tintori, the wife of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López, entered Spain on Tuesday with her youngest daughter, "using the exercise of their freedom of movement," the Spanish government announced.

Tintori and her daughter were staying at the residence of Spain 's ambbadador to Venezuela with López, who has remained there since his release in the middle of a month. failed insurrection Led by the leader of the opposition Juan Guaidó on April 30.

Venezuelan opposition leader with his wife Lilian Tintori at his home in Caracas in 2017. (Photo: capture / EFE)
Venezuelan opposition leader with his wife Lilian Tintori at his home in Caracas in 2017. (Photo: capture / EFE)

According to the Spanish Government, Tintori and her daughter arrived in Spain after "deciding to exercise their freedom of movement" – decided to travel to Madrid after leaving the country. Spanish diplomatic residence where they remained as "guests".

Tintori and her daughter meet "in perfect condition"said the government of Pedro Sánchez.

In Madrid, they are already living Lopez's parents, who obtained Spanish nationality in December 2015, then granted by the government of the conservative Mariano Rajoy.

In fact, the father of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition party, Voluntad Popular, also Leopoldo López, was elected to the party. European Parliament in the lists of the conservative popular party.

Leopoldo López and his wife, Lilian Tintori, at the moment when they arrested the opposition leader in 2014. (Photo: AFP)
Leopoldo López and his wife, Lilian Tintori, at the moment when they arrested the opposition leader in 2014. (Photo: AFP)

The sister of Leopoldo López, Cristina López, and her husband, Hernán Cifuentes, also obtained the Spanish nationality in May 2016.

The statement does not reveal details about Lopez, who remains at the home of the Spanish ambbadador, nor about the other two children of the couple. The leader of the opposition and founder of the Voluntad People's Party was serving a sentence of 14-year-old house jail, but was released as part of a failed military rebellion against Nicolás Maduro.

Venezuelan justice ordered the arrest of Lopez after his home release, but the Spanish government responded that he would not indulge the opposition leader and that since then the situation has remained stable.


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