The wife of Marcos Peña asks senators to approve the decriminalization of abortion


The wife of Marcos Peña supported the decriminalization of abortion Credit:

When there are 12 days left in the Senate to deal with the bill, which already has the sanction of deputies, legalize

voluntary termination of pregnancy
Luciana Mantero, wife of the chief of staff

Marcos Peña
asked parliamentarians to approve the initiative.

Through a shared video on social networks, Mantero said, "With pain, with pain, thousands of women decide to have an abortion every year. Senators, give them the opportunity to have access to safe sanitary conditions so they do not risk their lives and have access to advice, that abortion is legal, legal abortion already. "

Mantero did not pronounce for the first time initiative He had already done so, through his social networks, on the eve of treatment in the Chamber of Deputies, where the project had been approved after a long debate

"I vote for the right to decide #QueSeaLey", he posted on his Twitter account last June

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