The words of Eleonora Wexler, Arturo Puig and other references to refer Kive Staiff


Roberto Carnaghi Source: Archive

"I wanted him as a father"

By Roberto Carnaghi *

Kive Staiff was a wonderful guy. Someone of very important in my life. We peléabamos, discussed several times, but never left behind, was a reference and a friend. I joined San Martin in 1977, I came to work at Maipo, and I joined the stable distribution until 1990, almost thirteen, which was a very big professional change for me. We walked in at two o'clock in the afternoon to rehearse the next room at first and night, we had function. With a fixed salary, no ups and downs and working very hard to build a repertory theater. We have toured, traveled around the world, the San Martin Theater has become internationally known (even today some people remember it). I was able to meet foreign personalities, Robert Sturúa (the Georgian director), in short, people who could never have contacted me under other conditions. Thanks to this, many actors and actresses could grow. There are things we learned later, for example, that he had given work to banned actors during the dictatorship and that in San Martín they had found refuge. He was a man of culture, drama and, above all, with a project that he wanted to achieve, to fight with everyone if necessary. It was hard but it had to be to take this position. I knew what I wanted, I was very present in everything, I loved him very much.

* Actor

  Eleonora Wexler
Eleonora Wexler Source: Archive

"It gave me a great opportunity" [19659006] By Eleonora Wexler *

I am happy to to have met you. I was very young when I met him, they called me for auditions
The Storm (directed by Lluis Pasqual, 2000) and so I could be part of this experiment. My daughter called Miranda because of this character I had to do. Later, he called me directly to
Man and Superman (by Bernard Shaw, directed by Norma Aleandro, 2001) and audition again for
The hija del aire (from Pedro Calderón de la Barca and directed by Jorge Lavelli, 2004), that I did with my three month old daughter

He was the kindest person that you can imagine, cult, Pbadionate about theater, impeccable, I knew everything, I asked you, I had you in mind. The day of the first brought us bouquets of flowers and gave a kiss to each of the actors. I wanted to work in San Martín, be part of these repertoire works and he gave me the opportunity. He was charming and luckily I was able to go to the tribute he received a few years ago

  Jorge Telerman
Jorge Telerman Source: Archive

" We all recognize his work "

By Jorge Telerman *

I met Kive at the Chancellery, in 1990, when he was director of cultural affairs and together (institutional relations) we took charge of support the tour outside the Black Organization, the mythical performative group. Then, in 2000, when I was elected Secretary of Culture of the City, I called him to direct once again the public theater: from this management was born the Theater Complex of Buenos Aires, which groups the rooms but maintains the different orientations of each one. . We also inaugurated the Theater Documentation Center in 2001. It was a few days ago, when we reopened this center, that I saw it for the last time during the inauguration . I always invited him, he always came, he was always among the people I consulted. When they proposed this position, it was the first person I called. Despite the age difference, we shared the same look on culture, we agreed on these values, we had a lot of friends in common, I worked with one of his girls, Débora, and I worked with another, Eliana. He was a great programmer, a complete figure of culture for his career and for the conviction of the importance of cultural management, the noblest face of politics because it allows us to approach society and form bonds that do not break. Because the culture generates good consequences and that he knew, in a very dark period in Argentina, to find the interstices of the light in the middle of the darkness: it is something that we all recognize.

* Current Director of the Buenos Aires Aires Theater, former Minister of Culture

  Alejandro Tantanian
Alejandro Tantanian Source: Archive

"Kive builds a way of understanding culture"

By Alejandro Tantanian *

It is often said that once Homer was able to write his
Iliad and his
Odyssey There will be no history that will cease to be read as a war or as a journey. As if it were an insoluble enigma, our experience as human beings seems to be based on the alternation between these two destinations: war or travel. We travel to flee a war: intimate or collective – we enter the war to defend our journey: what we believe necessary, which will definitely give us the conquest of self, the happiness of the territory. And today I write this to take for granted the journey of Kive, the war of Kive: these two stories in the public life of the one who just left us were united in a unique way : no more alternating between the two poles extraordinarily tormented by wars: Kive has built a way to manage, a way of understanding culture, a way to understand the experience of life as a thrilling full journey battles, strategies, paradise for traveling; Kive founded utopias in a space and a time when it did not seem propitious or possible – these created spaces, this way of understanding the theater as a collective experience, as a laboratory of the social imagination were the result of his wars and his travels. Certainty, in this pbadion and – why not say it too – in this majestic and gigantic respect that Kive has built on his person has been able to quantify the certainty, the pbadion and the respect of the spaces that he directed. Beyond the cult of personality (something that the West and ubiquitous social networks are trying to expand), I prefer to think of the echoes that certain wars, lives, and journeys exert on all of us. The travels and wars of Kive no longer belong to him, they have already transcended his person. They are today archetypes of pbadion for culture, of the way of thinking to the public, exceeding any restriction of party, they are now the property of all. And that's what I wanted to leave in writing.

* Director, actor, playwright and singer. Current Director of the Cervantes National Theater.

  Arturo Puig
Arturo Puig Source: Archive

Realization of Dreams

By Arturo Puig *

My first contact with him was many years ago when he m & # 39 called to make Caballero by a miracle, with a magnificent casting. It was a very crazy show for the time, with a very modern setting by an exceptional director like Jorge Petraglia. When you met Kive for the first time, he seemed to be a very distant guy. But when he got loose it was a very hot being. With me he was always very affectionate and whenever he did a job, outside of San Martin, he came to see me and he made me fantastic returns. Kive has realized a dream: do Panorama Bridge, Arthur Miller, directed by Luciano Suardi. With this work, I had first stepped on a stage, when it was made in Lasalle, my father's theater. There, Pedro López Lagar introduced me to the last scene, pointed and left. I will never forget Kive's call to play Eddie Carbone. As we lived close to home, we met to have a drink and talk about theater. This great manager, cultivated and affectionate, will miss me

* Actor, director

  Adelaida Mangani
Adelaida Mangani Source: Archive

A man of theater

By Adelaida Mangani *

For Ariel Bufano and me, Kive was an inspiration. I entered the San Martin thanks to him, in 1977 to make
David and Goliath and I have been there for 41 years, when he founded the company of theater puppeteers and gave it a stable character. We started seven puppeteers whose I was the only woman. Currently, they are 31 and the majority is a woman. He also created the School from which emerge future puppeteers who join the company. These years, those of the second direction, were the germ of an exponential growth of our group, with great successes like
The Great Circus and
Beauty and the Beast a hinge show by technique and setting. In 2000, on his return, we said it was "a meeting of old lovers", although he said "I am old but your lover unfortunately, no". We started at this stage to perform shows in the various theaters of the Complex. The truth is that I miss him since he left the theater, in 2010, because he was a very present director, he came to see us constantly and that is why we have made so much progress. He was so affectionate, so understood! He was an authentic theater man and I am saddened by his departure.

* Director of the San Martín Theater Puppetry Group

Production: Leni González

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