The world and all its extremes, the ridiculous and the bloody – 15/03/2019


QThose who searched the Brexit precipice in 2016 did so with the outbreak of the new nationalism and xenophobia that Donald Trump brought to the presidency and confirming the extremist process that was spreading throughout the world. ;Europe. The pathetic nightmare that surrounds the United Kingdom today has this intolerance in its bowels. But the same behavior that led to fanaticism has frightening effects, as evidenced by the bloody mbadacre of the supremacy of these hours in mosques in New Zealand.

The people who promoted the British nationalist barrier had a simple and precarious plan. He claimed the breakup would follow an alliance with Washington that would disintegrate the European Union. "The EU will cease to exist when Britain leaves," proclaimed lightly recognized ultra-nationalist Nigel Farage, one of the British voices of Islamophobia and of insularity. So for London, the adventure would be a pure gain. He got rid of Brussels, maintained his place as an economic center and was rebuilt as a world power adopted by the greatest power on the planet. This original idea has just refreshed Trump in the middle of the legislative battles in the British capital, promising an unlimited trade deal with the kingdom if the breakup and its continental consequence were verified. For the American tycoon, the EU "is a worse enemy than China or Russia", according to his postulate of last year, when he launched the steel trade war. and aluminum. It is for this reason that he was a great Brexit activist.

Flags to repudiate the divorce battle and at the request of the union. afp

Flags to repudiate the divorce battle and at the request of the union. afp

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Almost three years ago, the success of this initiative surprised its own promoters. David Cameron, the Conservative Prime Minister, called the referendum because there was no reason to doubt that the restthe maintenance of the link between London and Brussels would overwhelmingly win a victory that would be awarded. He had badurance of the antecedent of the 1975 consultation that was satisfied with 67% of voters in favor of keeping in the Union. In the afternoon of that day, the most fanatical brexiters, including Farage, held a small press conference to thank their supporters and left convinced that they had lost. Later, it was learned that Britain would collapse by only two points in this process that would become one of the worst nightmares in its history.

The Brexit campaign, which featured Trump's voice in a video comparing immigration to a snake, was central to the fear of an almost biblical invasion. It is the right-wing notion of the "great successor" who has also quoted the killer of New Zealand and who distorts an old anti-Semitic theory applied this time to warn of the disappearance of European peoples "devastated by a new barbaric wave. "An exaggeration combined with advertising techniques and political marketing that worked with the false notion that a crowd was accompanying these fears.

It has happened all. The failure of the voters reflected this nationalistic stimulus but also the anger against the austerity imposed by Brussels which has decreased since the 2008 crisis with more than 1 300 billion of the continent's economy . This impoverishment and the cancellation of opportunities are the food of the neo-fascist wave and the Nazi border that is spreading throughout the continent and the kingdom. Its sponsors, including the former Trump advisor, the supremacist Steve Bannon, place the alien, the other, as a danger to overcome. They are the new barbarians.

The supremacist badbadin who attacked the mosques. The worst form of nationalism and xenophobia. AP

The supremacist badbadin who attacked the mosques. The worst form of nationalism and xenophobia. AP

The Brexit campaign, in addition to this background, was the culmination of the false news. Christopher Wylie, remember, the former Cambridge Analytica manager, the company that had illegally used personal information from 50 million Facebook users, had acknowledged last March that the outcome of the referendum would have been another result "without the traps" developed by his company. AggregateIQ, The obscure Canadian subsidiary of Cambridge Analytica, engaged by Brexit's promoters, sent messages to between 5 and 7 million users focusing on undecided and those who might be persuaded to fear abroad and to create the false impression of a majority behind these ideas. The result of the referendum resulted in a minimum difference of 2%, about 600,000 votes. By the way, Cambridge Analytica is the same company recruited for the 2016 US presidential election that Trump won with a minimum of votes. Wylie recalled that it was Bannon who had proposed the name because it suggested a link with the academy.

As is repeated in other scenarios, where some extremist factors dictate the story, with the Brexit case, nothing has happened as intended by their creators. The EU was not atomized, on the contrary, it took the opportunity to consolidate, show a healthy executive unity and put an end to other decisive adventures. Britain, however, has entered a crisis that, in the worst case scenario, would result in a reduction of its economy by nearly 10%, according to the forecasts of the Bank of England. As this section has already pointed out, many companies are leaving the continent to avoid renegotiating agreements that have made it possible to determine this link for 46 years.

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The establishment rightly requests that this suicidal process be stopped. But political leadership, as it defines the scene around the world, is not up to the circumstances and emits only confusion. The only exit agreement that avoids a catastrophic cost is the one that Theresa May designed with the EU, which is a half-divorce, conveniently pasteurized. It has been written more by Brussels than by London and indicates that the country will continue to be united with the continent with a special system that preserves the porosity of the border of the two Irlandes. The cost is that Britain will continue to be determined by the rules established by Brussels but without being able to intervene.

This is why the agreement was rejected twice in January and last Tuesday. Although he may pbad his third attempt next week. Despair, you know, is a heretic. Legislators repudiated this decision, but voted that it was not possible to leave without a pact. At the same time, they banned another referendum by closing the crisis in a virtual cage. Anyone who does not believe in the certainty of Bioy Casares' sentence on the importance of the breadth of human stupidity in any badysis has a convincing example here.

In the midst of so much disorder, there are certainties. The European economic superstructure is not willing to allow this failure and some signs suggest that it will postpone divorce for at least a year. One must bet on a change of government in the UK that would not necessarily be with the Labor Party and on the eventual realization of another referendum, justified by the pollution that wrapped the first. Thus, this fact would be for the entertainment of historians.

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However, Brexit should not be observed only in its immediate dimension. The most decisive announcement of the opening of nationalism in the world has been the most conclusive, even if this attempt continues to sink into failure. And like no other phenomenon it expresses the disintegration of the postwar European order. Nationalism does not develop because of the appearance of certain subjects. This happens, however, under the conditions that make it possible for leaders, which are a consequence, among other things, of the income distribution crisis whose concentration is at historic levels. There are no coincidences in history. This scenario of frustration, of repudiation of ideologies and of politics as a whole, is at the same time the engine of fanaticism and the reason of current anarchy. The big question is how to get back from this disconcerting berenjenal.
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