the World Bank has worsened its forecasts on the economic slowdown


The World Bank foresaw that The Argentine economy will fall by 3.1% this year. The multilateral agency accompanied the adjustment program promoted by Mauricio Macri's government and, in early 2019, estimated a contraction of 1.7% in 2019.

Similarly, the document ensured that GDP will also decline in 2020, but to 1.2%, and anticipates an improvement of 1.4% by 2021.. Regarding the current situation, the entity has not been published on the causes of the crisis.

"It would be tempting to attribute the slow growth of the region to a less favorable external environment. However, in general, the slowdown seems more self-inflicted than the one imported, "said the World Bank. None of the disturbances caused by the change was mentioned.

The solution proposed by the agency to overcome economic anemia in the region is the trade opening and signing of agreements such as that of the Mercosur countries and the European Union . The entity said such agreements would increase economic complexity, which should have a positive impact on GDP in the medium term; and workers should benefit. "


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