The world celebrated the truce, even though there is no peace | Re…


World powers, blocs of countries and the UN on Friday celebrated the ceasefire reached between Israel and the Palestinian movement Hamas after 11 days in which more than 230 people died in Palestine and 12 in Israel between attacks and the bombing. Russia, France, Germany, China and the United States welcomed the decision on Friday after days in which tension also spread to the streets with clashes between Jewish and Arab civilians.

From the White House, the president Joe biden joined the greetings through a video in which he praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “I congratulated him on the decision to end the current hostilities in less than 11 days.”said the president. “I have also underlined what I have said throughout this conflict: The United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups based in Gaza that claimed the lives of innocent civilians in Israel, ”Biden said.

Biden has been widely criticized for refusing to accept a joint UN Security Council call for a ceasefire. According to diplomatic reports, the US government has three times blocked UN Security Council resolutions condemning the actions of the Israeli militia. A position that the Democrat calls “silent diplomacy”.. For his part, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken also welcomed the deal, adding that he will visit the Middle East in the coming days.

China also hailed the conflicting parties’ decision, as indicated Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lijian added that he hoped to both seriously respect the ceasefire and end the violence. “The international community must promote the return of peace talks between Palestine and Israel and find a just, lasting and comprehensive two-state solution.”, he pointed out.

The Kremlin has also joined in recognizing the importance of the armistice. “Moscow notes with great satisfaction that on May 21 (…) a ceasefire entered into force in the conflict,” said the spokeswoman for Russian diplomacy, Maria zarajova. “This is an important step, but it is not enough. To avoid a repeat of the violent confrontation, it is necessary focus international and regional efforts on relaunching direct political negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians“he added.

The European bloc

From the European Union, they celebrated the agreement and the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borell, He praised the role of Egypt, Qatar, the United States, the UN, among other actors. “We are shocked and mourn the loss of human life over the past 11 days. As the EU has repeatedly said, the situation in the Gaza Strip has been unsustainable for a long time, “he said.” Only a political solution will bring lasting peace and end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict once and for all, ”Borrell added.

the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, fresh from a visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories as part of international efforts to achieve a ceasefire, also welcomed the armistice. “It’s good that now there is a ceasefire, there are no more victims. Many thanks to Egypt for its mediation. We must now tackle the causes, restore confidence and find a solution to the conflict in the Middle East, ”the minister wrote on his Twitter account.

Another country that emphasized Egypt’s role in diplomatic negotiations was France. “I welcome the cessation of hostilities in the Middle East. It is the result of collective efforts, notably those of Egypt, in which France fully participated. It must be sustainable, be accompanied by humanitarian aid and be followed by the relaunch of a credible political process, ”posted the French foreign minister on Twitter. Jean-Yves Le Drian.

In the same tweet, he shared the official statement, which also underlines the importance of a new dialogue. “The escalation in recent days underlines the need to relaunch a real political process between the parties”, Le Drian underlines in the press release from the French Chancellery.

For its part, dad Francisco He underlined on Friday the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas after 11 days of attacks and more than 240 dead. “My thoughts turn to what is happening these days in the Holy Land. I thank God for the decision to stop the armed clashes and I hope that the paths of dialogue and peace will be followed.”, said the pontiff of the Vatican.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, called on the leaders of Israel and Hamas in Gaza to respect the armistice and he also urged world leaders to develop a reconstruction plan to support the Palestinian people and strengthen their institutions.


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