"The world has understood that the problem is Macri" | Chronic


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos and winning primary, open, simultaneous and compulsory elections (STEP), Alberto Fernandezsays that "The world has understood that the problem" is the president Mauricio Macri. He also said that he would create a Ministry of Housing and Housing, another responsible for equality and that he wished "a ministry of the strong economy".

Fernandez expressed his opinion on the departure of the former finance minister, Nicolás Dujovne; your relationship with your formula partner, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner; and economic measures announced by Macri, among other topics, during an interview with reporters Nora Veiras and Fernando Cibeira in Page 12.

Thus, the winner of the STEP responded on the hottest topics to shake the Argentines for several years.

They have just confirmed the resignation of the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, how do you badyze the situation?
The only thing I would like to say is that Dujovne's management was a great failure and she ended up leaving the country in a great crisis.

Most of the difference he has achieved in the PSO has left the image of a government very weakened and a situation of instability of the financial markets. What do you think of the complaint filed by Martin Redrado that Mauricio Macri told him to order the Central Bank not to intervene to increase the dollar and thus punish the voters?
Although it is true that I speak with Martin, I have no idea of ​​this data. He must have the data that I do not have, so I can not say anything, I do not know. But if that happens, it's a huge irresponsibility gesture because the next day we all had to go out to end the riot that had been generated. But I do not know if this happened or not, frankly I do not know, but if it happened, it is very serious.

He would be linked to Monday's press conference
Yes, it would be logical. It seems possible that this happened. This does not remove the dose of responsibility that results. Keep in mind that whenever the currency is devalued, poverty grows and the truth is that you want to punish people for voting, neglecting to push many people into poverty, that is, enormous cruelty, unforgivable.

He had demanded that Macri cease to act as a candidate and start acting as president. When did you think that during this week he had done this?
It seems to me that what he proposes achieves that. For example, the measure of lower income tax, VAT. These are measures that make sense because they tend to promote consumption, but in this context, what is dictated in this context is very serious.

We had on the platform the idea of ​​reducing VAT on the basic basket. But it was in a general plan of agreement. And the truth is that we do not consider a reduction or a correction of income as what we have just done, because both pose a serious problem of definition to the provinces. We calculate that $ 1.5 billion is going into crisis there.

READ ALSO: "Alberto Fernández said that he did not think it was" reasonable "to reduce VAT" indiscriminately ""

Co-participable resources?
Exactly, that is what the provinces stop charging and, for some, it is of extreme gravity. That is why it seems to me that the government should have taken another precaution.

And how should a president act in this critical situation?
It's complicated to have that dual role of president and candidate. But the president must make an effort and understand that these measures must be taken in this context. We managed to convey a rebaduring message, but in front of a sick person. The critical point is not that we have solved the problem. We have calmed down the pain a little bit but we realize that there is a serious problem. There is no disease yet without treatment.

The government was right in saying that what you said would rebadure the markets. He spoke and lowered the dollar and country risk.Well, as I told the President the day he called me: all that happened is the self-fulfilling prophecy. If they spent all the time saying that we were going to promote an economy like Venezuela's, the day of the result, the markets reacted.

You mentioned that the value of the dollar was 60 pesos.
No, that's what happened. They asked me for a statement that I had made Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, who said that the dollar at 60 pesos was a reasonable price. What I have proposed is that the $ 60 dollar will take into account the delay in inflation and that it appears to have reached a reasonable balance.

Obviously, the best thing to do is that the dollar costs less than 60 pesos, but the truth is that when I said that the dollar was costing $ 67, we lowered it to $ 60, which now gives $ 58. Throughout the campaign, what I said was that they generated a fiction that paid a high interest for a dollar that did not express its real value.

READ ALSO: "Alberto Fernández:" The dollar already has a fair value at 60 "

This increase will surely have a direct impact on various prices, for example in food products, which will create new problems for people.
In fact, food prices have risen by 25 to 30 percent as a result of the devaluation. And the removal of the VAT attempts to virtually balance the rise in this price and still fails. The increase will tip over the food and will hit inflation. We made a calculation with Axel (Kicillof) and this gave us that if the dollar were at 57, this year's inflation rate would exceed 50 points.

Could the increase in deductions be used to lower the price of food?
In some cases, this may be the case, as in the case of wheat. But there are products that have restraints and that do not influence Argentine consumption, such as soy. We must be very careful because we have to start a phase where the main objective is export, with which we have to be very careful to encourage exports. I say that because the level of debt they have left us forces us to get dollars and they are only obtained with exports. We must pay attention to the issue of payroll deductions, which do not become an element of discouragement.

Do not you want to download them?
I think you can not raise more, but with the dollar at this price the production is very compensated. Exporters benefit a lot.

In one way or another, in case of urgency, the government should control that food prices do not continue to increase, how should it do it?
If you review what I proposed, I talked about consumer promotion, something that Macri does by cutting profits, and I said we had to raise wages and pensions. But all this in a framework of agreement.

It must be agreed that this can be done with the commitment of businessmen, trade unionists and the state to maintain a status quo in terms of price. Because the risk is that demand is promoted and prices rise again.

Therefore, the framework of agreement that I proposed today does not exist and that is the risk. You do not increase wages but you increase them indirectly. In what? Decrease in profits and reduction of VAT. This means that there is more money in people's pockets, but there is no other agreement. This is disturbing. If all goes well, I'm wrong, but the risk of inflation exists.

When he talked about Macri acting as president and not as a candidate, he said that he should badume that the agreement with the Fund was not respected and should begin to renegotiate a new one. What should be the conditions?
Is in. I would like the chair to consult with us who we are opposition candidates. I am very uncomfortable to be the one who explains the Macri violations. That's why I ask you to take charge. He talked about me or Roberto Lavagna or any candidate who has remained in the race.

It is unfair that we should explain to the Fund why Macri violated the agreement. The inflation forecasts have not been met, the growth forecasts have not been, the budget forecasts have not been and have also deteriorated due to this state fact. And measures that Macri has just taken.

For this reason, I asked the President to start negotiating because he would have to take charge of explaining to the Fund why he had not complied. And not me, because the truth is that I already told the Fund that this program was not fulfilled when I met them.

READ ALSO: "Alberto Fernández:" Macri implemented late economic measures ""

Do you think this government is able to engage in renegotiation?
Well, it's the government that has entered the world, which the G20 applauds, is much better than me, he says. He said to me the other day: "Well, you realize we managed to enter the world". I said: "Finish it with that, because if you had entered the world, the investments would have come, the only thing you received at the G20, is to congratulate you, no one has brought anything".

Are you planning to take a trip, for example to the United States?
Not immediately. What I think is that it's better to stay calm and it seems to me that the world has already realized that the problem did not come from me, but from Macri. Finally, it was necessary that I explain things to the minimum so that the world calms down and now, the worry is how Macri will do to carry out all this.

I want to help him do things right because, beyond the very big differences we have, I realize that he lives in a situation that I would not want to live. It is that of a president who has just pbaded an election which defined the candidacy but not the replacement president.

In the meantime, he has to take over and I want it to be as simple as possible. What I would also like is that it makes things easier for the Argentines and that's why I tell him "Think of the president, do not consider yourself a candidate, because if you act as a candidate, you will be tempted to do things that will do even more damage.".

He was receiving several businessmen, for example, he met the owner of Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperín, and met with Clarin's CEO, Héctor Magnetto. What do they say to you at these meetings?
During the campaign, I also talked to many entrepreneurs. What is happening is that I did not spread it. They are very worried and warn that we have nothing to do with the problem created. In fact, it's a problem that begins in March 2018. At that time, Cristina was taking care of her granddaughter, I was teaching at the faculty and Axel was accompanying Clio around the place. We had nothing to do and the crisis broke out. And now, the crisis continues to deepen and it is not our fault, it is that the government does not find the way back.

We must bring tranquility and tranquility is to preserve the institutional framework, to ensure that the president ends his term normally. Stop talking about those around the president.

Did you mean Elisa Carrió?
For example. It seems good to welcome with open arms to people who ski or spend the summer in Europe, but the truth is that the thing is serious enough to talk a little seriously from time to time. But also to Pichetto, who says "Alberto Fernández wanted a dollar at 70". I have never wanted a dollar to 70, I want a real dollar that gives Argentina a competitive edge.

In this so complex economic reality that he will have to inherit if the ballot box ratifies him as president, what role will the workers play in this agreement that he poses?
Huge After talking with the president, I spoke with Hector Daer and I asked him to talk to all the syndicalism of all the plants – he was also going to call Sergio Palazzo and Hugo Moyano but I still had no time to tell them "Look, we are in a critical situation, try to maintain social calm".

And the truth is that when you travel inland, you realize the tremendous effort the authorities are making to maintain peace not only with grants, but also with support for SMEs, so that They do not generate more unemployment. It is impressive to see how the national state ignored the problem and the intentions were the help of the people.

Do you understand that a strike or demonstration would be counter-productive at the present time?
All that makes the social climate difficult is worrying, it is better not to happen. Because in addition to the rough river, those who win are sometimes the most perverse. So, the more we can have peace of mind, the better.

"The priority is the Argentine industry and production"

A strange situation has occurred in recent days with the Government of Brazil, where President Jair Bolsonaro has a daily view on Argentina, with statements in favor of Macri and against him. The Minister of Economy, Pablo Guedes, said that Mercosur was an instrument of opening of the economy and that if Cristina Kirchner proposed to close the economy, Brazil would leave Mercosur .
These are two different elevators. The economy minister must remain calm because nobody wants to close the economy. About Bolsonaro, the truth is that it's my mistake to lose myself in his bravado.

The link between Brazil and Argentina must be indissoluble. We are too deep partners to think that this can be solved by a co-chair. I have half regretted having entered his game. If Bolsonaro wants to dance this tango, it does not matter to me. Finally, it is the president that the Brazilians have chosen and I will have, with all the differences that I had, to help Brazil and Argentina to strengthen their ties.

Could you contact Lula? This week, he spoke in an interview about the result of STEP.
No, but I spoke to Celso Amorim and I would really like to see Lula again.

READ ALSO: "Alberto Fernández said that" unity with Brazil is much more important than Bolsonaro ""

What attitude will it adopt towards the Mercosur Treaty with the European Union?
This is another lie of the government. What worries me is that the Chancellor is crying for lies. That the world has become global is a problem that we do not have to discuss anymore, it has already happened. Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of globalization is absurd. Globalization does not condemn you to being stupid.

If the story of the Mercosur-European Union link is reviewed, it's a story that starts when Mercosur starts, then stops. This is what Nestor and I are doing when we go to Vienna for a first meeting. Then he goes back to a stage of immobility and Cristina wakes him up again. Then he returns to a land of immobility until it is not an agreement, but to badyze a series of points over two years to determine if the agreement can be finalized.

So we have two years to study whether these points of agreement can work. If I'm successful in Argentina, I will obviously do it. What they do not ask me is that I sign an agreement invoking the trade openness that harms Argentina. I will not do it because my priority is Argentine industry and production.

How do you imagine the relationship with Donald Trump, who played a lifeguard role for Macri's management?
The truth is that the rescuer was the fund. Trump helped Macri with the world 's money, it' s not the US Treasury that put the money. Let 's finish with this lie of the supposed support of the world to Macri: who lent the money to Macri? The IMF, who are we all, all the countries The G20? They went to Columbus, cried Macri, ate some canapés, and left saying that Macri was Gardel, but no one put a dime in Argentina. Where is the support of the world? They lent us money at relatively high rates at a time when rates were low and one day they said "You will not be able to pay, I will not lend you more money"; and we ran to ask the fund.

This story that says that with Macri we were in the world is a great fiction. For example, Macri stopped all Chinese investments. And then he went to ask them to come back because no one has invested. We must act responsibly. The link with Trump must be respectful, he is the president of the world's leading power. he "problem" Trump defends the interests of the United States as no one else. In any case, we try to copy it by defending the interests of Argentina as it defends the interests of the United States.

READ ALSO: "Bolsonaro is declared willing to talk with Alberto Fernández"

And the relationship with China?
Also a respectful and serious link. They are powers in the world and we should not participate in the fight between China and the United States, because that is not our problem. What I would say is that if the United States wants China not to enter Latin America, give Latin America the attention China gives it. What he can not do is ask us to give up investments that he does not cover either.

"I would like Lavagna to help me think of Argentina"
You announced the restoration of the Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as the Ministry of Labor and Health, do you think of a big cabinet? What other departments could be added?

No, the firm must have the number of people needed to work well. These are three very important topics. We must also reconsider support for the Ministry of Education, provide it with more resources and better conditions.

Would you go back to the teacher's peer?
Yes of course. Peers are an extraordinary mechanism to balance the imbalance. Much of what they call labor reform should not be resolved by a reform of the law on employment contracts, but can be resolved jointly because, when there may be a system of privilege it can be solved jointly.

And it is fair to say that those privileges that existed at one time in the 1970s have been solved. This is not a widespread problem that. But let's go back to the question of the departments. I think of two new departments. One, the Ministry of Housing and Housing, that. plan land management for housing construction.

Do you understand that this problem deserves the creation of a specific ministry?
There is a very serious problem in terms of social housing and a very serious housing problem for the middle clbades entangled in UVA credit who do not know how to get out of it. We need to find a solution, but fundamentally we need to find a funding mechanism for the middle clbades to have their homes. This is a different phenomenon of social housing. This work must be done by someone who only thinks about housing, not about public works. Because housing is more than a public job, it is about protecting a human right that is having a roof.

Could social organizations also participate in this problem?
Yes of course. And I already have the person who will occupy this place and who is already working. The other ministry that I am going to create is women, which is really the ministry of equality. We must ensure that there is no discrimination, neither for women nor for anyone.

A ministry that only thinks we, the Argentinians, enter the 21st century by giving equality to all and that our laws and our decrees guarantee equality. Often, equality does not occur by inertia. The other day, in a speech, I tried to explain gender equality and realized that I was entangled until the end, I told them: "Listen, I do not know your language, but I want the same thing.".

READ ALSO: "Lavagna has ruled out an alliance with Macri"

Have the names of the ministers already solved them?
I have one housing and one from another department. But in Argentina, it is a complicated thing because as soon as you announce a name, the poor must from this moment to protect itself from all the rubbish to which it is thrown.

I remember once, I got angry with a message and went to see Kirchner. I said: "Look what they put, I can not go anymore, I want to go home.". Then Kirchner looked at me with that tranquility that I had when I was calm and he said: "Listen to me, how many are there in Argentina?". "A"I replied. "And how many would like to be chiefs of staff?". "And what do I know?"I told him. "That's the problem, stop laughing and go to work"He sent me

In this situation, a key ministry will be that of the economy. Can you imagine a single ministry or divided into several parts as now?
I want to have a strong Ministry of Economy, which manages all the springs of the economy. I learned this from Lavagna, because when I spoke to him to stay minister, he told me something that I shared.

"If I remain a minister, I want to be able to drive"he answered me. At that time, everything was divided: agriculture, breeding, production. Lavagna explained: "I can not be the one who collects money so that later others spend it without planning". And he was absolutely right in the world. It must be a strong ministry where there is a manager who resolves how funds are collected and spent. It must work with built-in logic.

It seems to me that Macri, who initially divided the economic decision between ten people, did so because of a problem of insecurity. I want a strong Ministry of Economy because it does not give me insecurity, it gives me the badurance of having a good government.

Do you think of Lavagna as a possible minister?
I do not know what Lavagna wants to do, everyone asks me the same thing. Which government would not want to have Lavagna? He is a very capable man, I always told him. In my opinion, his departure from the government was a loss. But I do not know what he wants to do. I could talk to him after a long time last Sunday, when he had had the generosity to call me. We agreed to speak again. But I see him now involved in his presidential campaign, I respect him in this role and I do not want to intervene. But I would love that even though I'm not part of the government, it helps me think of Argentina because it is a very precious man.

"Cristina was generous and saw him better than anyone"
We had nothing to say about what the newspapers in general and the government said. We had nothing like a tie. The telephone surveys that we conducted gave us between 5 and 7 points of advantage, the contact points – historically the most accurate – between 9 and 11. I always thought we were going to be closer to the points of contact, calculated between 8 and 9 points and finally 15, very large the difference. I was convinced we were going to win. When I saw the ballot boxes giving us between 8 and 9 points, I said: "That's it".

And what did he do?
I received it quietly, it was within the limits of what we had calculated. The rest of the world should ask how they said what they said. Cristina was in the south and we talked when we received the first data from our computer center. Maximum (Kirchner) He mended the phone so that I could read the data.

And what did he say?
It seems like it was better than I expected. The next day, on her return, I went to see her in the homeland and we celebrated eating pizzas with soda. We are very happy and have an obligation to begin to reverse the history of this country.

In a few weeks, after Cristina Kirchner's decision to nominate her for the presidency, she won a big victory in the OSP.
She understood that it was necessary to create a larger, larger and more complete space. In a world so selfish and so narcissistic, that she retires and accompanies me as she accompanied me, the truth is that I only have gratitude and gratitude. It was an idea of ​​her, which I suspected and spent three days asking her to reconsider her decision. It seems that she has seen it better than anyone else.

Why did you ask him to reconsider?
Probably because Cristina could be the candidate. I felt that Cristina was in better condition because of all the political force behind her that I did not have, simply because of that. She told me that I was in the formula to guarantee her votes and that my task was to get the necessary votes.

At that time, I did not feel easy and I said: "I have no problem accompanying you as a vice". And she said to me: "No, you have to guide yourself because what you need is to have more votes". She was generous and did the good reading that I did not do. In a moment I said:and he replied: "But if you did not do what you did, I could not be either".

And what did he feel when he accepted?
I have been in politics since I was 14 and I feel that politics once said to me: "You must be chief of staff"And I went, and now he says,"it's your turn to be president ". I do not see politics as an individual fact – I have never liked this political logic. I see it as a collective fact, so when they say to me: "But how are you doing with Cristina?". I say: I will be happy. I will be the first president to have a friend vice president, someone who has twice been president. What joy! I will also be the first president to have a vice president with a political force, what a joy! She is my friend, what more to ask everyone?

What security!
And yes, the rest is the insecurity of others, not mine.

Will you have an office at Casa Rosada?
You will have a privileged place in my affection, it is much more than an office. I have no problem in having an office. I know who will be. the president and the luck I'm going to have with the vice president I'm going to have. We learned the cost of our fight. We are people who have spent their whole life in politics, we are not improvised. We are not here on a whim. We are here by conviction.

That's why when Cristina tells me: "Do not say you will not beat me anymore". I say: "I will not fight with you anymore, if one day the fight comes, I will make you reconsider so that we do not fight". She says it because of the use that they can make of it. All I want to give everyone is the certainty that we will work together and do things properly.

The day he presented "sincerely" to The Rural, when he repeatedly pointed out, some said that he had already defined
Yes, she said yes but I did not know anything about it. I took this as a gesture of public reconciliation, to tell everyone: I am very happy to work with Alberto. I did not think there was a meta-message. He was not only generous but very competent, he had a reading ability that I did not have and that he did not have. almost no one had.

Fernández and Fernández during an electoral act (Pablo Villán / Crónica).

Another reconciliation that was essential in this process of union was that with Sergio Mbada. Can you imagine it among the deputies or in a position on the executive?
Sergio was really the symbol of unity. We could all have been together without Sergio and no one would have felt together. Therefore, I greatly appreciate her approach and I also greatly appreciate Cristina who has had the openness to receive it.

Both: Sergio had been very very severe with her. He is also a man of great ability. I honestly believe that from this generation he is the one who is most prepared for the presidency and I hope he will achieve that aspiration. I am very happy that you have been at the top of the list of national deputies from the province of Buenos Aires. Whenever I asked you to accompany me, that was the case. And I am very grateful. I think that he has an important role to play in the Chamber of Deputies, that's what we talked about.

Another difficult relationship is the mainstream media. How do you think about this?
I am much less in conflict with this because the truth does not convince anyone. If that was true what they say, they would not have voted for us. Friday they published "The markets have already voted" and until Friday, they published polls saying that we were tied, that the situation was tricky and that Macri could win: we had taken 15 points in advance. At this point, we should discover that the story they influence is influenced by the fact that they change the story with three covers. This does not exist anymore.

They do a lot of damage …
I think, and I have spoken to the inhabitants of Clarín, that they symbolize part of the fissure and that they must make efforts to put an end to it. It is not good to talk about me but to stop doing what they have done. It is end the stage of Daniel Santoro who said that Nilda Garré and Máximo had I do not know how many millions of dollars in a bank. These things are not good and this agenda must be finished. I count it to bury it in this act.

We must also put an end to the madness of putting silhouettes of journalists so that people spit, it can not exist anymore. After all that they did to Cristina, he took 54%. After all that they did at that time when every day a new cause appeared that they invented and I do not know how many lawsuits were filed – he had to answer even for the cane of Cámpora – we obtained 47% of the votes in the first round. They will be more. The press must inform and give opinions honestly without intervening.

This is a task that needs to be learned by the mainstream media.

There is currently a very large concentration of major media with telephone, will this be reviewed?
If I defend the rule of law, I must defend acquired rights. What I believe is that they have to abide by the antitrust laws: the Competition Act, the Consumer Advocacy Act and, if they do not comply, they have to be s & # 39; 39; adapt.

"I am the most federal of Buenos Aires"
The governors participated in the closing of the campaign and, after the elections, received several, how important are they in their political badembly?

For me, they are of paramount importance, but for Argentina that I conceive. That's why I react when Macri refinances the provinces without consulting them. I think Argentina's big problem is its structure. It has a structure of concentration in the port of Buenos Aires and of delay towards all the periphery.

And that seems to me of enormous cruelty, that we can not continue to endure. I was talking to Coqui Capitanich and I was telling him something that I said the other day Omar Perotti: How is it possible that Chaco, Formosa, Santa Fe, Corrientes and Entre Ríos have no participation in the waterway? How is it possible if they are the ones who need this waterway to get their production? We must think of an Argentina that distributes everything differently.

A new partnership?
A little bit of everything. Not only the rules of co-participation, but also development mechanisms that allow provinces to progress without the national state needing to offer it almost what it deserves.

We go to Catamarca or La Rioja and there are textile companies that have installed their factories that work hard, but the headquarters are in Buenos Aires and all taxes are paid in Buenos Aires, how is it that work as it? It's my obsession.

What I would like to do is create a country where the one born in Jujuy can be born, grow, study, find a job, make his family and even die happy in Jujuy. And not that you have to walk by looking where you are migrating to see if you find more luck.

What I mean is that the next Argentina, the one I want, is an Argentina that badyzes and modifies the development structure of Argentina. How is it that the mountain provinces are having so many problems getting to the Pacific? There, we have to do a very big job that allows them to release their production.

If we do not solve these problems, we will continue to punish. How is it possible that the minister William Dietrich privilege the port of Buenos Aires on the port of Bahía Blanca, if the port of Bahia could pull everything that leaves Vaca Muerta. We must change the head of Argentina, I think we will all win if all the latitudes of Argentina develop.

It reminds Alfonsín to move the capital a little
I am thinking about something. This is not the transfer of capital, but it is necessary to make the work of the government more integrated into the interior.

How would you implement it?
No, it's something I'll say when we start again. Alfonsin was right.

READ ALSO: "We do not need to see Macri, we need a frank dialogue" "

When he was interviewed, he said that his greatest failure was not being able to move to the capital.
The truth that was a failure on our part, of society, because we did not understand it. Once, Sarmiento wanted to move the capital on the other side and thought about Villa Nueva, which is a very small town attached to Villa Maria. and even removed the law, but it has never been put into practice.

Je pense que c'est quelque chose de beaucoup plus complexe que de changer de lieu, parce que nous allions entrer en conflit dans la région où nous nous sommes déplacés. En fait, Alfonsin l’a déplacée là-bas, car elle était relativement proche. Mais il avait raison dans son concept et je me souviens toujours de quelque chose avec lequel j'ai beaucoup parlé José Manuel De la Sota. Il avait une meilleure vision que Alfonsin sur la manière d'intégrer le pays. Eh bien, maintenant, quand nous commencerons la campagne, ils le découvriront.

Ce qui est amusant, c’est que vous êtes Buenos Aires, après que presque tous les présidents n’aient pas
C'est moi, pour le malheur des porteños ou pour la joie des habitants de l'intérieur, je suis le plus fédéral des porteños. Je pense que personne ne vit heureux avec cette ville. Les habitants de Buenos Aires ont mal à voir les gens qui arrivent de l’intérieur du pays et finissent par dormir sur les places. Celui qui dort sur la plage n’est pas heureux, pas plus que le porteño qui a honte de cette réalité.

Ce que nous devons faire, c'est qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de venir à Buenos Aires pour pouvoir se développer là où ils sont nés. C'est l'effort que nous devons faire.

Justement, la ville de Buenos Aires était, avec Córdoba, l’un des deux districts dans lesquels elle n’a pas remporté le Frente de Todos. Pensez-vous qu’elle puisse être renversée en octobre?
Je vais l'aider Matías Lammens tout ce qui lui est nécessaire pour faire le choix que nous voulons qu'il fbade. Et je vais demander aux habitants de Buenos Aires de mettre Buenos Aires dans le changement généré par le pays, à savoir que la ville de Buenos Aires fait partie de ce changement. Nous avons également un candidat formidable.

L'un des moyens par lesquels Buenos Aires peut participer à ce modèle fédéral est de devenir l'épicentre de la science et de la technologie. et que parmi les ressources de Buenos Aires, ITBA, Conicet, l’Université de Buenos Aires, nous constituons un grand pôle de recherche scientifique. Faisons de Buenos Aires le Harvard, le Boston de l'Amérique latine. Pour mettre tous les Buenosairiens à l’air fédéral. Que nous développions la science et la technologie pour Tucumán, pour Jujuy, pour Rioja, pour la campagne argentine, INTA, INTI, en collaboration avec un épicentre de la ville de Buenos Aires.

Nous dépensons beaucoup d’argent pour construire et détruire des chemins pour les reconstruire. Cet argent perdu pourrait être appliqué à la science et à la technologie en accord avec le pays.


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