"The world is making progress on the rights of people with disabilities," Michetti said at the close of the II World Summit | Chronic


The vice president of the nation, Gabriela Michetti, he said that "the whole world is moving towards the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities and the realization of their well-being", closing of the Second World Summit on Disability that runs until this Saturday and added that inclusion "This is already part of the global agenda. "

Although some activities are being developed this Saturday, the last day of the aforementioned summit, this Friday was the official closing with representatives from Ecuador, Spain, Japan, India and Great Britain, as well as Santiago Ibarzábal for Argentina, host country.

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In the same act, the director of the National Agency for People with Disabilities (Andis), Santiago Ibarzábal value the commitment of States and organizations to "removing obstacles so that all people have the same opportunities".

He also considered a "Privilege to hold an unprecedented summit in our country and in the region."

This morning, the Andis presented the "Inclusive Management" seal that will oblige companies that pledge to take workers with this disease.

"This is a national seal that will be shared in all provinces, we think it should be a collective construction and that's why we have collaborated with NGOs, companies and provincial officials."He explained Ivo Luzzani, National Director of Inclusion.

In this sense, the manager stated that "the seal will be awarded to companies that meet the requirements and the commitment to include a disabled worker and will last two years, since they will then have to revalidate it ".

While the program of conferences and workshops addressing issues such as disability and gender, inclusion through technology, access to justice and independent living was being developed, in the pavilion of the exhibition, the star was the space of the National Sports Agency of football, tennis and rugby matches, among other disciplines.

"Sport is a resource for socialization"he said Gustavo García, Director of Rehabilitation in Colonia Montes de Oca, which houses some 600 people with intellectual disabilities in Lujan Municipality, Buenos Aires.

Colonia Montes de Oca participates in the men's and women's categories of the Argentine Football League included, and this Friday, some of his players came to Tecnópolis to play two friendlies.

"Many of them live in the colony for many years, the sport is an opportunity to go out and demonstrate their abilities."added Garcia, a graduate in physical education.

Representatives of the Argentine Association of Adapted Tennis (AATA), who showed how the initiation courses to this sport were: "The rules are the same, the only difference is that a second dive is allowed if the first was inside the field"explained the coach Oscar Díaz.

Díaz is one of the founders of AATA, in August 1997, and proudly declares: "We introduced the word" adapted " Before, all the clubs ended with the L of Lynch, a horrible word. "

There were also goalball games, a sport practiced by blind people between two teams of three who must prevent a ball from entering an arch 9 meters wide.

The second World Summit on Disability, held for the first time in Latin America, brings together representatives from more than 20 countries for three days to discuss the implementation of public policies. "to ensure the full integration of persons with disabilities and their inclusive development".

Representatives of governments, disabled people's organizations, civil society, international organizations and cooperation participate in the conference.


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