The world is talking about the failure of the southern cone


The world is talking about the failure of the southern cone | MDZ online

The cover of the Corriere.

The international press is already reporting the mbadive blackout in the southern cone. Some 50 million people may be affected by the lack of services that, although the system has begun to be restored in some areas, will require between 6 and 8 hours for a full return.

In Spain, the newspaper The country reported: "A mbadive blackout leaves Argentina and Uruguay without light. The power failure also affected southern Brazil and several cities in Chile, according to Argentine energy companies. "

Il Corriere della Sera, in Rome, entitled: "Max power outage in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay: 50 million euros of luce".

O Globo, in Brazil, speaks of a "superapagón": "Argentina and Uruguay sofrem & # 39; superapage Lack of energy caused by the falha interconnection system no. chegou to reach a total of two na nah manhã countries

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