The world's shortest intelligence test that few people can succeed | Chronic


A professor at the Mbadachusetts City of Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology has come up with the shortest intelligence test in history.

It only has three questions and yet 83% of the 3,000 Harvard and Princeton students who did not succeed in getting the perfect score.

It is a skill test based on mathematical operations and can be simpler than the naked eye.

It was the questionnaire that everyone is talking about

– The three questions in question were "A bat and a ball cost a total of $ 1.10 The bat costs $ 1 more than the ball." How much does the ball cost?

– If 5 machines take 5 minutes to make 5 devices, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100?

– In a lake, there is a segment of lily leaves. Every day, the segment doubles its size. If the segment takes 48 days to cover the entire lake, how long will it take for the segment to cover half of the lake?

Anyone with common sense would answer respectively 10 cents, 100 minutes and 24 days, but would be surprised to find that they are incorrect, because those indicated are 5 cents; 5 minutes and 47 days.

Another question that the researchers were able to determine was the notorious differences between what men and women answered on the subject in question.

"In general terms, being smart makes women patient and requires men to take more risks.", said the author of the study.


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