"The worst will happen, Cristina comes back"


The driver highlighted social discontent with the government and predicted a win for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in October.

Mirtha Legrand badyzed the political landscape of Change course for the presidential election. The driver highlighted social discontent with the government and predicted a win at Cristina Kirchner in October.

"The worst will happen, Cristina returns"He said the current leadership had" very little time to reverse the country's economic situation. "

"The country is very bad and people are very against, they are desperate. I can not find anyone who speaks well of this government. And I have supported it a lot, but I am sorry, upset, upset, that they have lost this wonderful moment. In addition, this collapse began a few months ago, seven or eight months ago, we did not come so badly, "said Legrand.

The chiqui He said that he saw Maria Eugenia Vidal better placed, but warned that the governor had no intention of running for president.. "Many people ask that Vidal be a candidate, but she does not want, wants to stay in the province of Buenos Aires and represent herself as governor," he said.

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