The Yankee Army saw a UFO and filmed it: a shocking video | Chronic


A striking episode took place at Oceana Naval Station in the state of Virginia in the United States. A marine pilot reported an incident in the air above the airspace that included one of the North American coasts.

Capture of the video captured by the camera of the aircraft

Ryan Graves, Chief Lieutenant, revealed to the newspaper The New York Times, that the pilot of an F / A-18 Super Hornet (a supersonic fighter-bomber) under his responsibility was the one who had sighted an object "not identified" when he was doing a routine flight at the end of 2014.

In a social media video, you can see how one of the Super Hornet cameras has a hard-hitting ship, with special features that resemble those of a UFO.

What attracted the aeronaut's attention was the incredible movement he made, in addition to the high speed that "thing" as he defined it.

Graves said that between the middle of 2014 and the end of 2015, several hard-to-explain events occurred in the airspace of Virginia and surrounding areas.

Leon Golub, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Center, said the possibility that the cause is extraterrestrial "It's so low that it rivals many other bbad and improbable explanations".


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