The yellow jackets returned sow chaos in the streets of Paris


After five months of mobilization, thousands of "yellow vests" took to the streets on the 23rd consecutive Saturday of protests, resulting in clashes between security forces and protesters, resulting in more than 180 arrests.

Police repeatedly accused protesters dispersant grenades and tear gas on a large boulevard in the center of the capital, between the places of the Bastille and the Republic of the capital.

Half a day, the police He had arrested 189 people in Paris and practiced more than 17,500 preventive controls.

According to the account of the authorities, Some 27,900 "yellow vests" were exhibited in France, including 9,000 in Paris.

The previous Saturday, 31,100 people demonstrated throughout the country, including 5,000 in the capital, according to official figures, denounced by the movement of "yellow vests".

Urban furniture, destroyed windows and at least 10 burning motorcycles are the rest of the march in Paris, to the Plaza de la República.

Garbage cans and containers were burned on public roads, cars were also damaged, reported the local press.

Clashes between protesters and police have intensified in different parts of the French capital and Many stores were damaged by stained glbad windows and awnings.

That's what happened to a McDonald's local, and then to the Go Sport store, where the rioters bought sports equipment caught in the stained glbad windows.


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