The "yellow vests" give another ultimatum to Macron: riots and more than a hundred arrested in Paris


Incident on the place of the Republic in France. The marches had not yet started in Paris and there were already 126 detainees. Source: AFP

PARIS – Still in shock from the fire of the cathedral

Our Lady

, Paris was still living a saturday of tension because of the 23rd demonstration of the

"yellow vests",

Before he started, he had already added 137 inmates and several containers in flames in the Bastille sector. Of those arrested, 56 were placed in police custody.

A procession advanced with hostile songs towards the Place de la République, while the police banned a second march that was to leave Bercy. The deployment of police forces is impressive: 60,000 agents spread throughout the French territory, including more than 5,000 in the capital, many of whom have riot gear.

Protesters burned containers. Many were repressed by the French police.
Protesters burned containers. Many were repressed by the French police. Source: AFP

Authorities fear that at least a thousand "yellow ultras" have infiltrated the demonstrations, causing abuse.

At noon, the Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, went to Eliseo, seat of the government, to meet the president.

Emmanuel Macron

and evaluate "the state of the situation", was officially reported. Similarly, Macron plans to unveil its plan for reforms after the "big national debate" on Thursday. The plan was to be announced last week, but it had to be postponed after the fire of Notre Dame that amazed the world.

Today, a group of "yellow vests" has announced a new "ultimatum" like that of March 16, which resulted in the most serious incidents recorded on the Champs-Élysées.

The main avenue, typical of Paris, remains fenced, with the forbidden pbadage, and the entire area surrounding the Notre-Dame Cathedral, devastated by a fire last Monday.

Riots during the demonstration of "yellow vests in France"
Riots during the demonstration of "yellow vests in France" Source: AFP

In addition, many metro stations are closed in Paris and there are roadblocks and police barriers in iconic buildings such as the National Assembly (Parliament).

Four marches are announced in different directions of the capital, one of which should reach the center of Paris.

The movement of "yellow vests" exploded spontaneously as a sign of protest to fuel the increases, complicating the task of the rural population. It has now become a continuous, sometimes violent protest against President Macron.

The President, under the fire of Notre Dame, has attempted a speech of national unity around what France has called "tragedy", which has damaged one of his property the most precious ones.

ANSA and DPA agencies


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