The "yellow vests" realize their protest number 16 against the policy of Emmanuel Macron


The sixteenth walk of the "yellow jackets" began Saturday in the streets of Paris to protest against the economic policy of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The event will also take place in other cities of the country, such as Bordeaux, Lylon, Toulouse and Lille, according to the various calls launched via social networks.

In Paris, the "yellow vests" manifest on the Champs-Elysees, on the heights of the Arc de Triomphe, and on the Champs de Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

According to the French Ministry of the Interior, about 41,500 people took part in the last demonstrations organized by this movement.

This figure represents a significant decrease from the 282,000 people who participated in the strongest event last November.

This one atypical protest movementnon-political and distinct from the unions, was originally opposed to a new tax on naphtha and, over time, began to demand increased purchasing power, to reinstate the wealth tax and to undertake reforms to create more representative institutions.


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