The "yellow vests" stand out in France


The "yellow vests", which were numerous in the traditional workers' day marches that reunited Wednesday between 150,000 and 300,000 people in France, are looking for this Saturday give a new impetus to the mobilization, in decline for several weeks.

This movement, which manifests every weekend since mid-November against the tax and social policy of the governmenthe was losing strength over the months.

Last Saturday, the authorities announced 23,600 participants in the events, much lower than the "60 132 demonstrators at least" indicated by the "yellow vests".

"Yellow vests" in the streets of Paris. Photo: AP.

For this 25th Saturday, thousands of people have announced their participation in various events organized throughout France, announced via social networks.

In Paris, the prefecture authorized three events. In addition, a "festive occupation" from Charles de Gaulle airport, north of Paris, ask for "the cessation of the sale" of the aerodrome.

The demonstrations take place three days after the riots that took place between the protesters and the security forces on 1 May.

This Saturday, the authorities renewed the ban on the Champs-Élyséesand in a perimeter including the National Assembly, the Elysée Palace and the area of ​​the Notre-Dame Cathedral, partially destroyed by a fire in mid-April.


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