The "yes or yes" of Boris Johnson who collapsed the British pound and set off alarms in the UK


The new government of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has declared the agreement on Brexit "he is dead"and put the conditions to negotiate it again, two messages that made slaughter the pound, fueled the fear of a conflict with the European Union (EU) and set off alarms in Scotland, a region that rethinks independence.

Among Johnson's shares, companies warn that no preparation can be avoided economic damage which would cause the call Brexit hard. Early Tuesday, the pound continued its free fall to 1.2120 USD, its lowest price since March 2017.

Despite the movement of money from a nuclear submarine base in Faslane, Scotland, the Prime Minister has shown his upright position. "The exit agreement is dead, it's not an option, but a new agreement is possible," he said. However, he said that "yes or yes", the Brexit will take place on the already scheduled date: "We will leave the EU October 31. "

So far, Johnson had eliminated the point establishing a backup for the Irish island To maintain free movement between the Republic of Ireland and the region of Northern Ireland, even after Brexit, until a definitive agreement is defined for that border and does not affect the peace agreement.

"I hope to reach a new agreement, it will depend on the goodwill and common sense of our partners," added the Prime Minister, referring to the EU and member states, according to the British newspaper The Guardian. But at the same time, he said he was ready to "make a big effort," his spokesman told reporters that the head of the government is not planning to meet his European counterparts while They would not have agreed to eliminate the Irish bailout.

European negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier, has already advanced last week that the demands of Johnson "are unacceptable".

The confirmation of difficult position new head of the British government against leaving the EU three months after the last Brexit mandate returned slaughter the pound, which hit the lowest level against the dollar in the last two years.

Trading under pressure

The Irish Republican force Sinn Fein, who complained on Tuesday that Johnson has not called on the Prime Minister of neighboring country, Leo Varadkar, central interlocutor in Brexit negotiations, has further strengthened this climate d & # 39; uncertainty.

"It is a great lack of courtesy on the part of new Prime Minister Boris Johnson not to approach the Taoiseah (Irish Prime Minister), it is very shocking given the disastrous impact of Brexit on the island. Irish, "said the leader of Sinn Fein. in Northern Ireland, Michelle O'Neill, after meeting with the new British secretary of this region, Julian Smith.

In addition, Johnson has not responded to the invitations of the two highest European leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, to make an official visit to their country and to relaunch the dialogue.

While Johnson expects his European partners to take the first step, he has today met with a local leader just as critical.

Arriving at Scottish Government Headquarters, Johnson was booed and so, at the end of his meeting with the chief of the regional executive, Nicola Sturgeon, he went out the back door of the building.

"After talking with Boris Johnson, behind all the bravado, it's a dangerous government; If I listen to everything that is said and everything that is not, I think it is a government that pursues a strategy of non-agreement, even if they deny it in public, "said the chief. of the Scottish Government.

Before meeting Sturgeon, Johnson met with the leader of his party in the region, Ruth Davidson, who stressed the need to stop the call for a second referendum on independence. who wishes to approve the head of the regional government.

The British Prime Minister was not so explicit, but he made it clear he was against the return of the Scots to the polls on this issue.

"Everyone was clear in 2014, until the Scottish Nationalist Party (Sturgeon), it seems to me, reminded me that it was a vote." Only one generation and public confidence in politicians would be further weakened if they yielded to the government to a new referendum, "he told reporters.

The warning of Dublin

Despite the statements of the British Conservative Prime Minister, the Government of the Republic of Ireland has warned today that the "brexit pact" can not be renegotiated.

The head of the Irish executive, Democrat Leo Varadkar, informed his British colleague during a phone conversation, an official spokesman said in a statement.

The source said Varadkar "stressed" the "need for backup" ("backstop"), designed to prevent the restoration of a "physical border between the two Irlandas" after "brexit", which would clearly be detrimental to their economies and to the peace process in Northern Ireland.

The Irish Prime Minister reminded Johnson that this security clause had been included in the "Brexit", agreed by London and Brussels last December, as" a consequence of the decisions taken in the UK and by the UK government, "said the spokesman.


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