The young Argentine woman suffering from a diabetic coma in Punta Cana thanked "to be in a house"


Candela Aylén Saccone, the teenage girl transferred to Buenos Aires in a sanitary plane in Punta Cana after a diabetic coma, has evolved favorably and today thanked "for being in a house".

"Candela arrived, as expected, and was transferred to the Los Arcos sanatorium in Buenos Aires, in an ambulance" of the company to badist travelers, confirmed Ana Conello, a friend of Candela, in dialogue with Telam.

And, he added that the young "is happy in a very good mood and restrained by his family and his friends".

Saccone confirmed this state of mind when she was interviewed by TN and said, "Now it's okay, thank goodness, finally home."

And, he said that "the Dominican Republic had nothing to do with anything that happened to me," stating that "it had come before, it's a health problem for me".

The 15-year-old girl with a diabetic coma while on vacation in Punta Cana arrived Friday night around 8 pm at San Fernando airport, where an ambulance was waiting for her.

Candela is already in Argentina (Photo of Facebook).

When she was consulted by Telam, her friend pointed out that the health insurance fund had complied with all the commitments she had made and had added that "after the repercussion of the". case by media, Assist Card had behaved properly with the family, even today she had the gesture send a bouquet of flowers to Candela. "

About the girl's health, her friend said that she "is evolving very well" and that "it's in a normal room and that they would now evaluate some of the sequels left by the Episode and would expect some bruises to go away. "

"He has trouble moving a leg, he does not feel it and they are also badessing kidney failure and visual difficulties," Candela's friend said.

Romina Knecht, aunt of the young woman, badured that she had arrived "conscious, lucid and able to speak".

For her part, Asist Card confirmed that the young woman had been taken on a Cessna Citation CJ2 "specially equipped for this type of operation, with a medical team trained for complex services".

Candela Saccone, of Villa Ballester, city of Buenos Aires, was decompensated on June 19 on the last day of her vacation in Punta Cana and was transferred to the medical center, where doctors diagnose diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious complication of Type 1 diabetes in which the body produces excess acids in the blood.

In addition, the young woman had cerebral edema and kidney failure. She was sent to the General Hospital of Plaza de la Salud in Santo Domingo, about 195 kilometers away, and feared for her life.

Candela is already in Argentina (Photo of Facebook).


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