The young man who chose to go on vacation to Afghanistan and tells his situation live on the networks


A 21-year-old British university student, Miles Routledge, says he was in Afghanistan on “vacation” when he was surprised by the advancing Taliban, so he is now trapped in the country and is broadcasting his trip live on their social networks. .

Routledge told the British newspaper “The Times” today that he is currently “in good hands”, on a site run by the United Nations in Kabul with about 50 people of British, American and Turkish nationality.

At first, however, he criticized him for having been abandoned by the British embassy, ​​which did not respond to his calls or his emails while the Taliban were already encircling the Afghan capital.
This young man, studying physics at Loughborough University (central England), wrote on the 4Chan forum on August 13: “I decided to visit Afghanistan for a few days, I am not there. never went. more peaceful than London. ”

Routledge explained that he chose Kabul as a tourist destination because he wanted to experience “the worst places in the world”, as if it were a “shopping list”, after visiting the exclusion zone of Chernobyl in 2019.
His first goal was to visit North Korea, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, bureaucratic procedures to enter Afghanistan were simpler, argued the student, who was also captivated by “the beauty, the food and the the low prices “of the country.

Routledge has not had contact with anyone in his family since he was 14, he came to wander the streets of Birmingham and works as a bank to pay for his education, support himself and be able to make his eccentric trips, according to himself.


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