The young woman who gave a stone to Duque tells how she entered the palace of Nariño


Tiktok: andréaromerobre
Tiktok: andréaromerobre

On Wednesday July 7, an event for religious freedom took place at the Palacio de Nariño, attended by several young people from religious congregations in the presence of President Iván Duque. Everything was going smoothly, according to established protocols when a particular event occurred.

In the hall where the event was taking place, a young woman handed a stone to the President, a fact that was applauded for the message he conveyed. However, many people were curious as to how a stone could enter the palace, taking into account that the place has security rings and in some cases they do not allow cell phones to enter.

We went through a lot of security, radios, they checked our bags, but nothing happened and even, already during the event, when I took out the stone (from my pocket) to deliver it, no one didn’t say anything. It was undoubtedly God who supported me, ”noted Andrea Romero, in statements collected by Alert Paisa.

Romero told the media that she had been invited a few days before to the event which brought together different religious initiatives, as an influencer and that she was allowed to record inside the palace but that when she was got there to get in, things changed and she had to leave through different security filters.

“They told me no, they made me wait 10 minutes for my cell phone to be returned to me, but I think it was the hand of God because no one discovered the stone»The 16-year-old confessed.

Despite the fact that the young woman was ultimately unable to record any content, as they were not allowed, the symbolic event was recorded and shared by President Iván Duque himself on his social networks where the young woman has declared: “I want to tell you that the next time a young Colombian takes a stone, it is not to destroy it but to build a house or a temple and that is why today I want to give him this stone as a symbol. “explained the young woman who did the deed.

The President referred to the event and said he would make it a symbol of inspiration and highlighted his leadership. “Something you said seemed very important to me, that when a young man takes a stone, it must be to build and not to destroy ”, underlined the president. Romero referred to the meetings Esmad had with young people on the marches of the national strike that ended a few weeks ago.

Right from the event, the president took advantage of the space and announced that From November 28, the first popular election of Municipal Youth Councils will be held where people between 14 and 28 years old will be able to stand and elect their representatives and using the metaphor of the young woman, he noted. “Today I want to invite young people from religious organizations and social causes of faith to participate in this election so that their votes will guarantee you to build society.”

This atypical event in the house of Nariño was added to that which was made while the event in which President Iván Duque sanctioned the regulation of life imprisonment for minors was brought forward, when an unexpected event Happened: The emcee fainted amid the president’s speech.

In pictures, the reaction of President Duque was recorded, who was accompanied by the mediator, Carlos Camargo; the Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios, and the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa, among others. “Who fell there? Duque said after hearing the crash of the fall.


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