The "Youth for the Climate" movement will protest throughout the world against fires in the Amazon


The "Youth for Climate" movement is making demonstrations around the world asking the government of President Jair Bolsonaro to take action to fight the forest fires that occur in the Amazon region of this American country. South.

According to the Efe news agency, the protests will be held in front of Brazilian embbadies, located in different parts of the world.

In a statement, the movement said that it was not a "local problem", but a "problem that has global repercussions". The organizers of the protest urge politicians around the world to take action and denounce the destruction of this vital ecosystem.

"Although we belong to many countries and cultures and we have different worldviews, we will all be united by a common goal: to express our dismay and anger at the policies of the Brazilian government that dramatically accelerate the climate crisis," they add.

From Youth to Climate, all governments must "align with the goals of the global Fridays for Future (FFF) movement and implement economic and environmental policies that will not increase world temperatures." more than 1.5 degrees at the horizon ". year 2100. "

They also call for climate justice and fairness, and listen to what scientists are discussing about global warming and the climate crisis.

"It is our duty to show solidarity with the Brazilian people, especially with the front-line communities and indigenous peoples, who are most affected by the destruction of the Amazonian forests," he added.

Destructions and fires have "a double impact because tropical forests are carbon sinks essential for the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2)", but their combustion releases large amounts of greenhouse gases, accelerating thus "the vicious circle of global warming", they explain movement.

According to Youth for Climate, since Bolsonaro has been in power in Brazil, forest fires have multiplied. In his opinion, they believe that the situation was influenced by the drought, but also "because of the appalling environmental policy of the Brazilian government, which considers the Amazon as a sack of money".

"What we are seeing is the result of human action, burning caused to the deforestation of a land in order to exploit it economically. has not acted, and does not intend to do so, before this emergency, the fighting will leave an indelible scar in one of the most biodiverse places of our planet, "says Alejandro Martínez , from Fridays For Future Spain, and reproduced Efe.


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