then vice mike pence had to run away


Americans were shocked again on Wednesday with the broadcast of unseen footage of the assault on Congress on January 6, which came to light on the second day of the indictment against Donald Trump for “incitement to violence.” Dramatic footage from security cameras is seen showing the crowd who forced their way into the Capitol arrived within yards of lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence, who is seen when he is emergency evacuated from an office of the Senate where he took refuge.

Democrats seek to show that on January 6, Trump “Changed his role as commander chief and became the main instigator of a dangerous insurgency, “in the words of Congressman Jamie Raskin, to prevent the results of the Nov. 3 election that won Joe Biden from being certified.

In addition to unpublished videos They presented other evidence, most of which was the words of Trump himself, his tweets or his supporters. They also played audios of his speech to the White House when he urged his supporters to “fight like hell.”

One of the videos that hit the nail on the head was the one where a Capitol Police officer Eugene Goodman, who was alone, is seen running to confront a group in a Senate hallway. As the officer led the crowd up the stairs, the violent men were at one point about 30 meters from the small room where the Vice President was taking refuge with his family. In the end, Goodman chased the violent men out of Pence’s hiding place.

In the video taken by one of the security cameras, Pence, along with his guards and some of his family, is later seen as he was evacuated by a staircase to a safe place away from the building, 14 minutes later. to have been invaded.

At the time of the assault, the vice was preparing to validate in the Senate the certification of the Electoral Congress, which established that Trump had been defeated in the November 3 election, a result that the magnate has always rejected.



Video and audio recordings from headquarters suggest that the assailants attacked Pence for his role in formalizing Biden as president. At one point, the Trumpists were shouting: “¡Cuelgen a Mike Pence!”.

Video released by Democrats also showed that at 2:24 p.m., two minutes before Pence’s evacuation, Trump attacked the vice president in a tweet. “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution by giving states the ability to certify a set of corrected facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate facts they have been asked to certify before, ”Trump said. demands the truth! “

Republicans, who will have the opportunity to present their arguments in the coming days, they say the trial is unconstitutional and that everything is a “political theater” that seeks to prevent Trump from running for office again.

The former president is unlikely to be convicted as a two-thirds majority of the Senate is required. Democrats need to reverse the will of 17 Republicans, and it doesn’t look like that will happen. What Democrats are looking for, at least, is to expose society to the gravity of these events. Pictures help.


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