there are already 10 dead by the military crackdown on demonstrations


Two people died on Sunday when a crowd looted and then burned a supermarket of industrial products in Santiago de Chile, and leads to ten the number of deaths as part of the fierce military crackdown in Chile, ordered by the right-wing president Sebastián Piñera, who has come to declare that his country is "at war" against "a very powerful enemy".

With these victims, the mayor of the metropolitan area, Karla Rubila, counted a total of 8 deaths during Sunday: cInco fruit of a fire in a clothing store in the town of Renca and another in a fire in a supermarket on Matucana Street, said the agency EFE

They join the bodies of two women burned who were found Saturday morning in a supermarket in the municipality of Santiago de San Bernardo that was ransacked and burned. In addition, the Ministry of Health reported that At least 10 of the more than 200 wounded are hospitalized and risk life.

Throughout this Sunday new acts of violence were repeated, as part of a fierce agent of the security forces and the Chilean army face the wave of looting, fires and robberies that increased with the rise of the metro following the rise in rates of public service set by the current government.

The militarization of the country ordered by the president Sebastian Piñera, increased in recent hours to try to control violent excesses. "We are at war with a very powerful enemy," said the president, who was even denied by the general Javier Iturraga.

"We are very satisfied with what we have seen. It was a slow awakening of the city, in calm and peace, which at the same time made us very calm and very attentive to the inconveniences that certain unsuitable people could cause ". "I am a happy man, the truth is that I am not at war with anyone," he said.

Piñera, regional ally of Mauricio Macri in the so-called "Lima group", has declared curfew last weekend for the first time since 1973, while the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The repression generated even more protests, with cacerolazos against (a method of protest born in the Chilean middle class against Salvador Allende) and even demands of resignation.


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