There are already 43 dead in the Bahamas because of Hurricane Dorian | Chronic


Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Hubert MinnisHe said the number of casualties dropped from 30 to 43 after the impact of Hurricane Dorian's move into the archipelago last weekend, which will arrive this Saturday afternoon at Canada, local media reported.

"The loss of life we ​​suffer is catastrophic and devastating"Said Minnis in a statement, in which he acknowledged that many people are still missing and that the death toll can increase significantly.

Many people are still missing.

Of the 43 deaths, 35 occurred in the Abaco Islands and 8 in Grand Bahama, the most affected by the Dorian Pbadage in the archipelago, as detailed. Dorian touched last weekend on these islands north of the Bahamas as a Category 5 hurricane, the maximum on the Saffir-Simpson intensity scale, with maximum sustained winds of up to 295 km / h .

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The hurricane, which was threatening southern US states a few days earlier, hit fractious lands in North Carolina on Friday, falling to category 1, with no reports of deaths or major damage.

However, heavy rains blocked some 800 people on an island in that state and more than 200,000 people without electricity as they traveled to Nova Scotia (Canada) along the east coast, with maximum winds sustained up to 150 km / h.

According to the US National Hurricane Center (NHC), Dorian will cross Nova Scotia this Saturday afternoon. In an unusual phenomenon for these types of storms, Dorian remained virtually motionless on these Caribbean islands for about 36 hours, which generated tremendous chaos and destruction.

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According to local Bahamian media, hundreds of hurricane survivors have fled to the air and sea terminals of these islands to evacuate to Nbadau, the country's capital.

Whole houses have been destroyed.

The Abaco and Grand Bahama Islands depend on humanitarian aid for the provision of food, water and light generators on Saturday. The humanitarian chief of the UN, Mark Lowbadsaid last Wednesday that the archipelago "never seen anything of this magnitude" after defining how "huge" The impact of Dorian on the Caribbean country.


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