there are already 6 suspects arrested for the attack on Jovenel Moise


The Haitian National Police reported on Thursday that arrested six people for its alleged link to the assassination of the president Jovenel Moise. Among them there is an American citizen. In addition, four other suspects were killed.

“We have the physical perpetrators (of the assassination) and we are looking for intellectuals“The Director General of Police, Léon Charles, said in a televised statement alongside Acting Prime Minister Claude Joseph.

An American is among those arrested, Mathias Pierre, the minister in charge of electoral affairs, told AFP on Thursday.

The forensic report determined that Moise received twelve gunshot wounds during the attack that ended his life on Wednesday.

Investigating Justice of the Peace Carl Henry Destin told Le Nouvelliste that the shots were fired with large caliber weapons and also 9 millimeters.

“We found him lying on his back, blue pants, white shirt stained with blood, open mouth, left eye punctured. We saw a bullet hole in his forehead, one in each nipple, three in the hip, one in the abdomen, ”he said.

The justice of the peace also assured that the office and the room of Moise had been “looted” by the attackers, who broke into the residence of the heavily armed president Wednesday morning.

Hours later, Haitian police announced that four suspected killers were killed in a shootout and two others were arrested in an operation near Moise’s residence. The number of people arrested has now increased to six.

According to the authorities’ version, the members of the command who attacked the head of state were English-speaking and Spanish-speaking foreigners.

C on EFE information


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