There are already at least 6 people killed by the devastating storm in Rio de Janeiro


In the west of the capital, Fluminense, two people died and two others were injured as a result of the collapse of a house. In Rocinha, the largest favela in the city, the third was killed by a landslide.

Two other deaths occurred in the Vidigal favela, in the southern area of ​​Rio, after the collapse of a wall and the fall of a tree on a collective line, respectively.

The sixth victim occurred after the burial of the bus in which he was traveling.

The government measurement system recorded water in just two hours, which, on average, usually falls during the month of February.After January, the city has reached the highest temperatures for almost a century, with data reaching 42 degrees, reported the DPA agency.

The storm, with winds up to 110 km / h, caused flooding, power outages and landslides in several neighborhoods, in addition to causing the fall of about 170 trees, according to the report. the intention of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, dozens of private vehicles were washed away by the flow of water generated by heavy rainfall.

Rio de Janeiro is on alert while several points continue to be floodedwhile firefighters work to clear the roads and repair the damage caused by the rains.

The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella lamented in his statements to reporters a "tragedy" that "exceeded expectations" and urged people to stay in safe places.

The weather forecast for today is heavy rain in the afternoon, which could cause new landslides, given that the soil, after the storm of yesterday, is more unstable said Efe.


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