There are already more people vaccinated than infected with the coronavirus …


The campaign of vaccination in the world against him Corona virus realized that for the first time since the start of the pandemic, there are more people vaccinated than infected. This is demonstrated by the data collected.

Johns Hopkins University, which has been keeping the tally of people infected since Covid-19 spread from China across the world, points out that to date there are 104.5 million positive cases in 192 countries. The United States, with 26.5 million cases, is the most affected country, ahead of India, Brazil, the United Kingdom and Russia. More than 2.2 million people have died worldwide from the pandemic that began in December 2019.

Meanwhile, the Our World in Data portal, prepared by the University of Oxford, reports that more than 107 million people have already received a dose of the multiple vaccines developed. Also in this category, the United States leads with 33.8 million, ahead of China (24 million) and the United Kingdom (10.5 million).

However, in proportional terms, the country with the highest rate of vaccinated in its population is Israel, which has already immunized 60% of its inhabitants. They are followed by the United Arab Emirates, which is around 36% and the United Kingdom, which exceeds 15, while Spain is close to 4%.


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