There are already seven dead after the passage of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas | Chronic


The toll of the victims of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas already raises to seven people, said the Prime Minister of the archipelago, Hubert Minnisat a conference during which he warned that there should be more casualties."We are at the heart of one of the biggest crises in the Bahamas in its history", said Minnis, quoted by the EFE agency.

In addition, after confirming the official figure of seven dead, he made it clear that it was an initial figure and that he was only referring to what s & rsquo; Had moved to Abaco, a small island in northwestern Bahamas with a population of about 14,000. this Wednesday to know the impact of the hurricane.

"Houses, buildings and infrastructure are completely destroyed"said the prime minister, after noting that the destruction varied greatly from one part of the abacus to another. "The airport is under water and the surrounding area now looks like a lake"said Minnis, who said the roads are completely waterlogged.

The disaster caused by Hurricane Dorian. (Twitter)

"The airport is under water and the surrounding area now looks like a lake." (Twitter)

In addition, the prime minister stressed that the Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) was working on the ground in Abacus, providing food and water. In addition, he pointed out that there are also federal agencies in the United States that provide their help on the spot.

"We will put all the necessary means"he said at a press conference attended by international media. Minnis said that in the coming days he would be visited by the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeauwho will direct the aid provided by the North American country.

In addition, he announced that the visit of the President of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) is scheduled for the end of the week. Allen Chastanetand the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley "Security is the important thing and we have to keep moving forward," expressed and noted that "food and money are welcome".

The Minnis have hardly talked about Grand Bahama, the other island heavily hit by the hurricane because Dorian has just left the area and there is hardly any information accurate. Social networks have spread this Tuesday that the first acts of vandalism with the theft of food and bottled water began in Abaco.


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