There are defendants in the case of delicate contributions to the campaign "Change"


The scandal of ghost contributors to the campaign "Change" in the province of Buenos Aires last year, which had among its candidates Estaban Bullrich and Graciela Ocaña, led yesterday to the opening of a new case in the court of Sebastián Casanello, at the request of the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, who imputed to two financial directors who made the surrender of contributions to the Electoral Chamber.

The prosecutor mentions the possible money laundering, since the core of the maneuver is the use of the identity of at least 467 people, mostly beneficiaries of social plans, to make them appear as donors between 300 and 2 thousand pesos. In other words, the actual origin of the money is unknown.

The possible existence of violations of the law of financing of political parties, as well as the affiliation of "prepo" to the PRO, are issues badyzed for the moment in a preliminary investigation at l & rsquo; Prosecutor Public Prosecutor Jorge Di Lello.

The opinion presented by Stornelli points out, first, two names that are not those of the leaders who led the lists – and which, by the way, have not yet given explanations – but to the financiers of the Buenos Aires campaign. That is, people who surrender and cope. One of them is Alfredo Gabriel Irigoin, 62 years old, radical leader of the province of Buenos Aires, former mayor of Laprida, former provincial senator until 2007 and then a civil servant at the Ministry of Education. 39 Environment of the Nation. Carla Silvia Chaban, a young woman from the government of the city of Buenos Aires, would also be accused of being close to the head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. In principle, Juan Vilche, of the San Fernando PRO, was also among those responsible, but for the moment he was not charged by the prosecution.

Stornelli's complaint as a starting point was presented by the La Alameda Foundation, which at the same time was based on the relief of journalist Juan Amorín in El Destape. In the beginning, he published a list of 205 people who seem to contribute to the surrender of change before the Electoral Chamber, but who are poor, live in very humble neighborhoods and most have the common denominator to charge social plans that Originally they called Ellas Hacen and Argentina Trabaja. Then, many other people noticed that their names were in the same spreadsheet and the list is already close to 500 names. To make matters worse, they began to confirm that they had been affiliated with the PRO, some since 2006, without ever asking for or signing anything.

(source Pagina 12)

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