There is a weather alert for heavy rains and storms


A weather alert for heavy rain and heavy storms was issued this morning in different areas of Santa Fe, Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones and Entre Ríos Provinces.

In this context, the National Meteorological Service (MNS) announced that in the center, north-east and southeast of Santa Fe, this Chaco, the center and north of Corrientes, south of the missionary and throughout the Entre Ríos territory, rains and storms are developing, some of which can cause a waterfall, gusts of wind, strong electrical activity and, sometimes, hailstorms.

These conditions will be maintained during the day, with possible temporary improvements, the report adds.

The situation at Chaco

Almost a month after the heavy rains that hit the Chaco "there are still agricultural fields flooded by rains in the southwest" of the province and the floods "affect more than 200 000 hectares of the department of Fray Justo Santa María de Oro ".

"It's almost the whole department where almost equal parts of the territory are destined for agricultural production and livestock," said Santa Sylvina Mayor Susana Maggio. Telam in a telephone interview.

Maggio said that "the rural areas are very compromised by the total losses of sunflower and cotton, as well as by the little soya planted in these fields".

To this, he added that, in the livestock sector, "the impact is also very important because it affects the gestation and calving of cattle that have virtually no access to pasture natural or implanted ".
According to the official, "it is not only the rains that have fallen on the municipalities of Santa Sylvina and Chorotis and in the region of Tres Mojones, but also those that fall from General Pinedo, Gancedo and the rural areas to the north and to the west of this region.

Fray Justo Santa María de Oro is bounded to the west by Santiago del Estero and south to Santa Fe, where Santa Sylvina has 16,000 inhabitants, most of whom settled in the metropolitan area.

At Chaco, boys eat their feet in the water

Two years ago, Valeria opened a shop picnic in the yard of his house help those who have less. Every day, about 100 boys will have a snack. Due to the flood that punished Chaco and for which there were more than 1,000 evacuees, his establishment was virtually under water and he needed help.

In the picnic area "Niño Jesús", located in the city of Las BreñasThe boys eat their feet in the water, one of the areas most affected by the rains. In early April, he was also punished by a severe storm and, when he was recovering, he was again inundated. That's why they need gifts of shoes, spirals, clothes, food, candles and especially milk.

Chaco: saved a man who drowned in a cbad

In the midst of the tragic floods in the north-east of the country, a heroic gesture was known throughout TN and the people where a user shared the video of the rescue of a man fallen to the water and dragged by the current.

The images were taken on Monday afternoon in Charata, a village in Chaco, where a man fishing in a field along Highway 13 fell into a cbad. At that time, the army personnel providing victim services saw the situation and save the life


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