There is no place in the hotels because of the "invasion" of Area 51 | Chronic


The invasion of Area 51 is scheduled for September 20 in Nevada and although some have taken it to joke, others have shown their enthusiasm and have already exhausted all available rooms for the date near the event that everyone is talking about.

Enthusiastic Internet users have exploded the phone of an inn in a modest town called Rachel, which has 14 rooms.

But that's not all for those who want to attend the event called via Facebook. If the 1,300,000 people want to approach it, "ghost locality" they must keep in mind that there are no petrol stations (the last closed in 2006), so loading fuel will be an impossible mission, unless you travel 80 kilometers to Alamo to refuel.

"I can not believe that he has received so much attention." Every week we have something like this, but nothing like it. "said the Lincoln County Sheriff, Kerry Lee, to the mentioned medium.

One of four companies in the region.

In addition, he is worried about the arrival of so many tourists because the arrival of a large number of tourists could put pressure on the emergency services.

"We could probably deal with it, but it would certainly be a problem, and God forbid that it's 5,000, which almost doubles the size of the county."he said.

Given the impact of the event, the Air Force intervened to respond and indicated that "she is ready" reject a raid in area 51.

This is the area where the meeting will be held.

A spokesman for the entity, called Laura McAndrews, he said in a statement, that they were ready to stop the so-called extraterrestrial hunters.

"The US Air Force is always ready to protect Americans and their badets" he commented.

In turn, he said: "We discourage anyone trying to come to the area where we train the US Army."


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