“There is no possible military solution”: the warning of the Pakistani ambassador who negotiated with the Taliban after the attacks of the Twin Towers


The more than 2,600 kilometers of common border and their cultural ties make Pakistan one of the key players in the historic conflict in Afghanistan. In recent times, it has been one of the countries that negotiated the peace negotiations between the Taliban group and the United States in Qatar. But before that, he was instrumental in what was the birth of the Taliban, their consolidation in power between 1996 and 2001, and their subsequent reconstruction after the North American invasion.

In this context, one of the people with the greatest authority and most familiar with the conflict is Muhammad Khalid Ejaz, the current Pakistani Ambassador to Argentina. From July 2000 to 2002, he held the strategic chair of the officer in charge of relations between his country and Afghanistan.. He was, basically, the person who had the most contact with the Islamist group during the attack on the Twin Towers and the subsequent invasion of the United States.

He openly defends Pakistan’s position, rejects the idea that the Taliban have been granted asylum and calls for consensus. “There is no doubt that there was a flaw in the calculations of the United States, but what is certain is that there is no possible military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan”, summarizes the diplomat during an interview lasting more than an hour with TN. .com. .ar. In addition, despite the images that have been broadcast in recent days, he assures that “the Taliban today are not the same as those of 2001”.

Was the US decision to withdraw permanently from Afghanistan correct?

No one predicted the pace of change this week. There was certainly a miscalculation with the timing. Pakistan has always maintained the idea that there can be no military solution to the problems in Afghanistan, there is only one political solution which must include all factions. Time has shown that the military exit does not work.

And is the ruling Taliban group the solution?

Well, we keep the idea that there should be a consensual agreement in Kabul. This is how we can see that at this time different Afghan leaders are visiting Islamabad. The fate of Afghanistan must be decided for themselves, not by foreign powers, we would like to facilitate that. We have done it before and we will do it now.

Do you think the Taliban will re-establish a regime similar to the one that existed between 1996 and 2001?

Well, you should ask the Taliban for that answer. In recent days, they expressed that they had learned a lot during this time. With what happened this week, we can see that the behavior of the Taliban is very different from what it was 20 years ago. We therefore hope that they will be able to understand the concern of the international community and that they will even be able to protect the rights of minorities, women, children …

We have talked a lot about women, also about their rights

Clearly, the question of women is very important. We know the role they occupy in the societies of the world and that in Afghanistan as well, they have acquired a good position. Islam takes pride of place, so women’s rights must be protected at all costs. Of course, there are fears among people who have memories, but the situation is going to be different this time around and Pakistan is hoping it will be.

Are they in contact with the Taliban group?

Well, you know Pakistan has facilitated dialogue between the Americans and the Taliban in recent years. We are constantly engaged, not only with the Afghans but also with the international community. We are in conversation with everyone. We are close neighbors, we have a lot in common, which is why we want stability and peace in Afghanistan.

Many analysts say that Pakistan has granted asylum and support to the Taliban and its leaders for all these years, is that true?

It’s ridiculous. If you look at our conduct over the past 20 years, Pakistan has lost 70,000 lives in this conflict because we have suffered terrorist attacks. In 2020 alone, we suffered over 800 attacks from Afghanistan supported by third countries. In addition, we have hosted over 3 million refugees over the past 14 years. Pakistan is also a victim of this conflict. The troubled processes in Afghanistan are also reflected in our country.

Just that you mention refugees, could this situation trigger a new and large wave of refugees?

Certainly in the event of instability or civil war. This is not only a concern for Pakistan, it is also a concern for various countries in the region. This is why we say that if there is peace in Afghanistan, not only they benefit from it, but also Pakistan. Just as if there is peace in Afghanistan, there will be more trade, we will be able to work together for greater connectivity in the region and other goals.

If the United States had waited to withdraw its troops, would the situation have been any different?

The withdrawal should have been accompanied by a peace process. We all wanted there to be a deal first and then a withdrawal or even for it to happen one after the other… but that didn’t happen. The great powers, which have better sources, should comment on this.

But last year there was a signature between the parties (it was in May 2020 in Qatar)

Yes, but this peace pledge under Afghanistan has not been completed. For them, only a part has been accomplished. It is a process that started but did not end because the parties did not insert this law because they knew that the time would come when they would be alone. At the same time, you have to watch out for those who spoil things, the “spoilers”. For them, there must be continuous conflict to reach a space that is unnatural. We must observe them and their belonging …

What do you mean by “spoilers”?

They are the ones who do not want peace in Afghanistan, there are groups who profit from it.

Which groups?

There are countries, groups, coalitions that profit from the war in Afghanistan.

Where does the Taliban group finance itself?

Let me ask you another question. The Afghan army has been trained by the American forces, and you have seen the facilities they have given them, it is estimated that more than a billion dollars have been invested. Therefore, they had much more training and equipment. Why there was no resistance. It is very important to understand that the Afghan people do not want foreign forces in their country, they want freedom. There was no comparison in resources, but human beliefs are human beliefs.

Are there any indications that the region could enter a crisis again?

Military impositions in Afghanistan over the past 20 years have brought instability to the region. We will do our best to maintain peace and stability, with a consensus solution. The whole region will be favored if there is peace in their countries.

Having said that, can we say that the United States has failed in its strategy?

Let the story decide what failure is and what is success. But there was certainly a miscalculation, and while North American leaders were not in discussion, there were some unexpected failures. The situation suddenly changed drastically. As I said earlier, there is no possible military solution in Afghanistan.

Before concluding the meeting at the embassy located in the Belgrano region, the ambassador underlined: “We must also think that peace in Afghanistan is indirectly a benefit for Argentina, because it increases the possibilities of exports. and products from different sectors ”. To add later: “Our countries share the same outlook and have many interests in common, so for a long time we have maintained the best relations at the highest level and we plan to increase cooperation in key areas such as agriculture and drugs. “


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