there is no price and companies suspend their sales


The dollar's flight after the macro-economic debacle of the OSP has forced several sectors to suspend their sales until they see signs of stability

The predictable: different companies have made the decision to suspend until further notice the delivery of products to supermarket chains and wholesalers, in response to soaring dollar prices.

Novelty is part of an "ultra defensive" menu on the part of companies, who do not want to supplement their low-priced stocks in the midst of rising exchange rates. Monday morning, the dollar has exceeded $ 60 in most major banks and then declined slightly to $ 57.30.

The list includes food manufacturers and the paper industry, but also and especially importers.

Major agrifood factories also reported an average rate of 10%. They included in this movement the prices of the commodities in the basket, such as noodles, oils and flours.

The news became known – in some cases by mail and in others, directly, over the phone – during the morning. In those hours, the price of the dollar has risen by 30%.

Some companies in several regions have decided to stop their activities, as if long holidays had started without a standardization date.

Food, construction, services, appliance chains and car dealerships are among the sectors that have undergone extreme decisions.

Major industries that have suspended their deliveries include Unilever (whose food division makes soups, broths, mayonnaise and mustard).

It also includes the Samseng bin, the leading manufacturer of toilet paper, towels and rolls. In the building materials sector, sales were suspended until exchange rate uncertainties were removed.

The same is true for importers, mainly with canned goods, such as fruits and fish.

Everything started very early, on Monday after the elections. Front-line companies, food manufacturers, but also medium-sized dairies and even distributors of building materials, agreed that as early as 8 am they had started exchanging emails with one another. warning suspended "until further notice." Product delivery.

Unlike what happened last year, business response was immediate. Some managers did not even wait for the opening of the foreign exchange market to freeze their activities.

"We can not meet the agreed demand, the market is running out of price, we will talk again tomorrow (Tuesday) or the day after tomorrow to see how things will evolve," said a senior oil company official. renowned, in an audio recording that led him to a peak. Wholesaler mid-morning.

And that was only one example. Throughout the day, measurements of this clbad have multiplied. Without going further, from an SME dedicated to the provision of advisory services, they admitted that the principal director had given the order to stop all payments until the situation of the exchange was clarified.

A canned food importer, present in major supermarket chains, sent the terms of sale in the coming days, until the afternoon. He did it by mail. The title reads like this:

"Dear … For reasons of public notoriety, we have decided that orders placed today – and until the situation has stabilized – will only be taken and sent on condition that that they are delivered with delivery and without invoice, because the prices will be determined.This measure will remain in force until we can deliver a new list of prices. "

Excuses or reality?

"There is no price." "We do not have the new army list and there are no deliveries." "We are short of stock." "We are in the process of restructuring."

These expressions were part of those transmitted by the manufacturers to their customers (traders), so as to postpone the deliveries until the situation is clarified.

The first to react were two of the main importers of canned goods. They market tuna and mackerel with grain choclos and canned fruits (badtails, peaches and pineapples).

With regard to imported products (cans come from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Italy, Thailand and even Syria), the managers of the sale of these products prefer to "ship" them until new order.

The next step is predictable: there will be further price increases, the magnitude of which will depend on the devaluation of the exchange rate. In this respect, what doubt exists, the uncertainty is total.

In this context, the price-of-care plan and the "essential prices", promoted by the government in agreement with the main food factories, also entered a crisis, but their validity depended on the monetary value.

Construction, paralyzed

In the case of the construction sector, material marketing players have acknowledged to iProfessional that the dollar's firing has resulted in an interruption of the supply of certain products due to the lack of "reference price" ".

From Construya, an organization grouping the 11 main suppliers of inputs for this activity, its owner, Pedro Brandi, explained that different corralones were suspending the sale of items based on items such as iron. until the new marketing and replacement values ​​are known. "

"The sellers have made this drastic decision because the relative price of the products is unknown." As long as the exchange rate has not been deferred and there is no political consensus, the situation regarding the sale of materials will remain unstable. Foreign companies were afraid of what is happening with the dollar and suspended deliveries", he detailed on this support.

Brandi took for granted that there would be short-term increases, although he said the increases would be "less than the devaluation".

"Normally, these situations fit in a week. But in this case, the uncertainty is greater because of the strength of the movement. All products based on iron or petroleum, or requiring imported technologies, will see their number increase. But until we have a stable dollar, it will be difficult to guarantee the sale to the public without inconvenience, "he warned.

Paralysis also reaches cars

Dealers suspended the sale of cars that had slowly reactivated the government bonus plan. The outcome of the elections has had an impact on the auto sector, a sector in which political and economic fluctuations are rapidly being felt.

As soon as the results of the elections were known, the first decision made by the terminals and the dealers was to suspend the invoicing of the cars in stock, Since the rise in the dollar since Sunday night, it was known that prices were heavily altered.

In the last two months, with the bonus plan that the government had with ADEFA (the chamber of manufacturers), optimism had returned slightly in the auction houses and patents began to recover. Thus, it was expected that it will reach December with approximately 500,000 units sold.

Now, with the result in hand, all the forecasts are canceled out and the sector again forecasts a month of decline.

Those who also feel the consequences of the political context are the importers, the first who decided today to suspend car sales.

"Last night, the decision to cancel all types of operations and review the plans we had for the last quarter had been communicated," they confirmed to an importer Professional.

Many brands had resumed between last year and the opening of their product portfolio by adding new models, which poses a serious problem today. With such a volatile dollar, no operation could be closed.

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