“There is no smooth relationship with the president, complained a powerful union leader


José Luis Lingeri, the powerful secretary of the Sanitary Works union, although he does not make the pair that leads the CGT, is one of the main trade unionists. Yesterday in a radio report he granted, he complained about the lack of a fluid relationship between the government and the CGT. This has ensured that once the vaccine is approved locally, will be vaccinated.

The union member celebrated the continuation of the dismissal ban, but assured that “We did not participate in the discussion on the calculation of the retirement formula. Even if we learned it from the media, the colleagues who are on the question of pensions did not participate ”.

And he recalled to stress the need for a broad agreement: “When Perón returned, he said that for an Argentinian, there is nothing better than another Argentinian. Bringing that into a confrontation between rich and poor leads nowhere. The country is moving forward with national unity, with leadership ”.

Lingeri admitted to the social work system deficit which he said is about $ 6,000 million. “We must consider that the number of benefits, the number of drugs, what is paid in reimbursement to retirees and monotributists are ridiculous.”

Asked about the dialogue with the government, Lingieri said: “We are aware that the dialogue with the government is open but we have to find tables where we can solve the problems. The president gave us the green light to discuss but it was not communicated, the officials must call us. I see Alberto very concerned about the issue of the pandemic and the economy. There is no fluid and constant relationship with the President, the one who meets the most is Daer because he is the secretary general of the CGT ”.

-How is the relationship Claudio Moroni, the Minister of Labor? They asked him.

-We have good relations with the Minister of Labor, in other areas it is difficult for us.

In passing, he recounted the reduction in public spending, “the change in the calculation of pensions, something to do with the IMF. Now, by continuing to go through the adjustment with poverty levels, I don’t think people will resist it. We cannot ask for more from the needy sectors ”. And he gave details of the CGT’s meeting with the IMF: “The comrades who met with the IMF expressed their concerns but They said they would not endure an adjustment ”.

Of course, Lingieri indicated that “I would be ready to discuss my collective agreement, to see what can be improved, but not an adjustment or reduction in staff or wages.”

-What do you think of the social plans? They wanted to know.

-Social plans and aid to movements were born with Carolina Stanley, it is not a product of this government. Sounds good to me, but the economic situation led to a situation where plans had to be expanded as there was no investment or job creation. It must be reversed. What we want is real work, so that the informal becomes formal.


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