there is no successor yet in Lagarde


Although the European Union (EU) has given until the end of July to nominate a candidate, there is still no agreement to replace the French Christine Lagarde at the head of the committee . MFIssaid the French Ministry of Finance. For the moment, David Lipton will continue to lead the financial agency.

"At this point, although some candidates get more support than others, there is currently no complete consensus around a name," says a ministry statement. Five candidates are the closest to a post: the Dutch Jeroen Dijsselbloem, former president of the Eurogroup; his successor, the Portuguese Mario Centeno; former European Commissioner Olli Rehn; Spanish Minister of the Economy, Nadia Calviño; and the Bulgarian Kristalina Georgieva, current number two of the World Bank.


The dollar rose again and closed at $ 45.54

Two weeks ago, in the context of the G7 Finance Summit, the four European finance ministers of this group (Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy), as well as the European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, formally launched the process. selection of candidates. successor There, they appointed the French Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire, who has already announced that he was not seeking the leadership of the IMF, in order to negotiate in order to reach a consensus by the end of the month of July.

However, the position left by Lagarde is occupied by David Liptonwho was his second. Argentina needs to pay close attention to the designation, as it will commit to the Agency for several years through a mega loan of more than 57,000 million US dollars.


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