There is so much CO2 in the atmosphere that planting trees can no longer save us | the Chronicle


Each year, humans emit between 30 and 40 trillion tonnes of greenhouse gases, called carbon dioxide (CO2), into the atmosphere. If this continues, the Earth will continue to warm to a point that is devastating to the planet’s current way of life.

What can we do?

Most scientists agree that thit is necessary to capture a percentage of the CO2 emitted, to prevent it from rising into the atmosphere. One way to do this is to plant a lot of trees, because they need gas to develop. They also release oxygen, a component that benefits life on Earth.

However, studies indicate that it is no longer possible to create enough forests to retain all the carbon dioxide necessary according to the objectives set by the Paris Agreement.

To get, trees should cover all of the land in the United States to capture 10% of CO2 issued annually.

In other words, there is not enough space on Earth for the cultivated areas needed to feed the planet, besides the space that the necessary forests would occupy.

In other words, many people would have to starve to solve the problem of greenhouse gas emissions.


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