There is undisputed Pope leadership amid this coronavirus pandemic


Monsignor Ojea, president of CEA, called Bergoglio’s eighth birthday the highest authority of the Catholic Church in the world.


The President of the Argentine Bishops’ Conference (CEA), Monsignor Oscar Ojea, said today that Pope Francis is showing “undisputed leadership” amid the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, and affirmed that his encyclical Fratelli Tutti is his “great legacy” in search of brotherhood .

“It is with great joy that we greet this eighth anniversary. There is undisputed leadership from the Holy Father in the midst of this pandemic that is teaching us to be better people.”Ojea declared tomorrow on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the pontificate of Jorge Bergoglio.

In this context, the bishop of San Isidro He recalled that, “as we celebrate this eighth anniversary of the papacy of Francis, we cannot stop setting our sights on this March 27 of last year in the St. Peter’s Square, empty and rainy, with the Pope leaving us this text of the Gospel of Saint Mark on the storm: no one is saved alone, we all row together “.

In this sense, Ojea underlined that, “from that moment on, the Pope is transformed in some way, beyond Catholics, into a leader at the time of the crisis and the pandemic, into a leader of humanity. “.

“Many of us wanted to seek support in all the magisterium of this time of this time of the Pope, the preaching of the Masses of Santa Marta, the catechesis on the social doctrine of the Church, the letter to social movements, the letter to priests He has worked tirelessly this year, ”said the Bishop of San Isidro.

In this way, Ojea stressed that “it gives the impression that he has clearly seen that when humanity hits bottom in this pandemic, the inequality between us is more clearly exposed then the options that have to be seen with brotherhood “.

“Thus appears Fratelli Tutti, great heritage of this papacy. Inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi and in the meeting with the imam, the Pope forges bonds of solidarity and unity with all the other part of the world, with the Muslim world, been with the Sunnis, now with the Shiites, on the last trip to Iraq, ”he said.

He also stressed that the Pope “is a way of wanting to teach us to coexist with differences, to live this polyhedron in order to be able to emerge humanely from such a great crisis.

Finally, the president of the Argentine episcopate underlined that “for us believers, our eyes fixed on Jesus, because it is the Gospel itself which teaches us that every human person is our sister”.

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